California State University, Dominguez Hills (CSUDH) physics faculty Ken Ganezer, Jim Hill, and William Keig were among 1,377 researchers on five teams honored with the “Breakthrough Prize in Fundamental Physics” on Nov. 8 for their study and findings regarding neutrino oscillation. The $3 million prize was accepted by the five team leaders at an Academy Award-style ceremony attended by many Hollywood stars and broadcast nationally on FOX. The prize money will be shared among all members of the teams. Hill, chair of CSUDH's Academic Senate, Ganezer and Keig were part of the team led by Takaaki Kayita and Yoichori Suzuki, which conducted its research at the Super-Kamiokande (Super-K) ... Read More
Alumnus Joe Flanagan: ‘Winningest Coach’ in CSUDH History
After the celebration wound down in Tampa, Fla.– and the 2008 Cal State Dominguez Hills (CSUDH) men's soccer team walked off the field with a Division II NCAA National Championship–the coaching staff made its way back out. “We didn't know when we would be back. We wanted to take in the moment, and it was a really good one,” said Joe Flanagan, head coach of the CSUDH men's soccer team, who explained that walking back on the field is among his most memorable moments as coach. “We had won 3-0, and every player got into the game. We just wanted to soak it in.” The 2008 title was the second of the team's two national championships under Flanagan–the first was in 2000. But as significant as ... Read More
Biochemistry student Jeshua Avila receives Phillips 66 scholarship
Jeshua Avila, a junior studying biochemistry at California State University, Dominguez Hills (CSUDH), has received a $2,500 scholarship from Phillips 66, which will help him to continue research on a cell membrane protein called gramicidin. Avila's interest in cellular research is, in part, a personal pursuit. “I have been interested in the medical field since I was a little kid, but I also have too many white blood cells, which is another reason I'm studying biochemistry. Sometimes when you have more white blood cells they can end up attacking other [healthy] cells in your body, thinking they are intruders,” said Avila, who has Vitiligo, which is caused by white blood cells attacking ... Read More
CSUDH alumni charity ‘LA on Cloud9’ helps support homeless and their pets
“Hey Big Mama,” a homeless man quietly said last week on a brisk Thanksgiving morning in MacArthur Park in Los Angeles. He then joined the line to wait for food served by LA on Cloud9 (LAC9) volunteers. “Hey Baby,” she replied, as Big Mama continued greeting folks. Behind her hundreds of volunteers set up buffet trays to be filled with a holiday feast big enough to feed an estimated 600 homeless and needy families, as others arranged clothes, vitamins, and a diverse variety of other donated goods. Among the well-coordinated frenzy were California State University, Dominguez Hills (CSUDH) alumni Gerardo “Jerry” Arredondo, his wife, Grissel Chavez, and Omar Merino, who serve on the ... Read More
Giacomo Bono shares tips and challenges for ‘Making Grateful Kids’
On Christmas morning, as children hurriedly open their holiday gifts one after another, many will only pause long enough to display gratitude for the gifts they really want, as other presents only solicit a requisite smile or “thank you,” if any emotion at all. The authenticity of a child's gratitude may be hard to measure during the season of giving since many children may be more interested in the gifts and goodies of the season rather than who's responsible for providing those gifts and goodies, according to Giacomo Bono, an assistant professor of psychology at California State University, Dominguez Hills (CSUDH). And due to the “very limited” research and understanding of gratitude in ... Read More
Faculty Highlights: November 2015
Our faculty members participate in conferences around the world, conduct groundbreaking research, and publish books and journal papers that contribute to their field and highlight their expertise. We feature those accomplishments and more in this section. College of Arts and Humanities Ryan Bowles Eagle, assistant professor of communications, presented “But What Happens When We All Go Home?: Examining the Asymmetrical Stakes of Testimony and Activism at International Human Rights Film Festivals,” as part of a panel at the 2015 National Women's Studies Association Annual Conference. Gilah Yelin Hirsch, professor of art, presented "Artist as Shaman: Art as a Healing Force in Community" at ... Read More
CSUDH launches Women in STEM Education program
Lilid Mendez, an 11th grader at Mervyn M. Dymally Sr. High School in South Los Angeles who is interested in pursuing a degree and “possibly” a future career in a STEM (science, technology, engineering and mathematics) field is encouraged yet guarded about the changing gender roles in the workforce. “I do see some change–where women are going to work and not the men–but not a lot,” said Mendez. “But, for the most part, in the homes in my community, women are expected to stay home and do chores while men go off to work.” Mendez is among the first cohort of students–12 from Dymally High School alone–in California State University, Dominguez Hills' (CSUDH) new Women in STEM Education ... Read More
Dymally Institute hosts Women in Leadership Conference
A virtual who's who of powerful and influential women from the world of politics, workforce development and academia assembled at California State University, Dominguez Hills (CSUDH) on Nov. 12 to share their struggles, triumphs and advice during the “Women in Leadership Conference: the Path to Political Power.” Hosted by the Mervyn. M. Dymally African American Political & Economic Institute (Dymally Institute) at CSUDH, the day-long conference featured 22 prominent women leaders in the state and nation who conveyed powerful messages and stories–borne through experience and told with enthusiasm–during keynote addresses and four speaker panels. Ellen Junn, CSUDH provost and vice ... Read More
Mervyn M. Dymally African American Political and Economic Institute officially named
California State University, Dominguez Hills (CSUDH) officially named the Mervyn M. Dymally African American Political and Economic Institute on Nov. 12 and unveiled a sculpture of the legendary congressman as his friends, family and political colleagues gathered to pay tribute the "Godfather of African American politics.” The reception took place on the 5th floor of CSUDH's University Library, where the sculpture has been placed. Official public papers from the Dymally era will also periodically be on display there due to an inter-university agreement between CSUDH and CSU Los Angeles, where the papers are currently housed. The “rotating traveling exhibit” was coordinated by Brenda ... Read More
Hamoud Salhi joins Algerian parliamentarians to discuss national reconciliation
Hamoud Salhi, associate dean in the College of Natural and Behavioral Sciences at California State University, Dominguez Hills (CSUDH), joined Algerian leaders for a panel discussion on Sept. 29 during a conference celebrating the 10th anniversary of the adoption of the national reconciliation charter. Salhi's talk focused on how Algeria's national reconciliation is viewed in regional and global politics. The charter, known as the “Charter for Peace and National Reconciliation,” was promulgated into law soon after it was adopted by an overwhelming majority of the population in a national referendum, held on September 29, 2005. The charter was drafted by Algerian President Abdelaziz ... Read More