(Carson, CA) - Los Angeles Mayor Eric Garcetti and veteran trial attorney Dave Carothers will provide keynote remarks to graduates during the 2018 California State University, Dominguez Hills (CSUDH) Commencement ceremonies on May 18 and 19 at 4 p.m. in the StubHub Center Soccer Stadium located on the CSUDH campus. Nearly 4,000 bachelor and master candidates are expected to cross the commencement stage over the two days, cheered on by approximately 46,000 family and friends. Friday, May 18, at 4 p.m.: College of Business Administration and Public Policy; and the College of Health, Human Services, and Nursing. Keynote speaker, Dave Carothers, partner of the law firm Carothers ... Read More
Biology Student Awarded Full Ride to Stanford on National Science Foundation Fellowship
When Magdalena Lara was tasked to milk the five goats on her family's farm each morning before school, or help her mother make yogurt and cheese using the goat's milk and active bacteria cultures, it turns out she was doing more than childhood chores; she was cultivating a curiosity of the natural world that would lay the groundwork for her future studies. “I would always ask my family why and how things worked. I wanted to know more when I found out about something new,” recalls Lara, the oldest of six siblings raised by immigrant parents on the one-acre farm in Norco, Calif. This month, Lara graduates from California State University, Dominguez Hills (CSUDH) with a bachelor's degree ... Read More
Faculty Highlights: April 2018
Our faculty members participate in conferences around the world, conduct groundbreaking research, and publish books and journal papers that contribute to their field and highlight their expertise. We feature those accomplishments and more in this section. College of Arts and Humanities Gilah Yelin Hirsch, professor of art, will be participating in the First International Painters' Symposium “In the Navel of the Moon” in Mexico City, May 20-June 4. She also has been invited to give the keynote address titled “Illuminating the Invisible: The Power of Form” at the conference Logics of Image: Visual Learning, Logic and Philosophy of Form in East and West, which will be hosted by the ... Read More
Urban Farm Takes Root on Campus
On a newly cleared plot of land on the southeast corner of campus, sociology major and Presidential Scholar Hawk McFadzen props up a tight bundle of plant material to show sociology student Martha Hernandez how to rotate a three-stage compost system to cultivate fertile soil for planting organic vegetables. McFadzen is an intern and coordinator of California State University, Dominguez Hills' (CSUDH) Urban Farm, which saw its first crops planted this semester. A multidisciplinary living laboratory, the farm provides a venue for faculty to engage students not only in organic gardening and urban horticulture techniques, but also in discussions about larger societal issues around ... Read More
Nancy Cheever Named Presidential Outstanding Professor
For her dedication and service to the campus community, scholarship in the field of media psychology, and contributions to advancing the university's reputation as a comprehensive research institution, Nancy Cheever was named California State University, Dominguez Hills' (CSUDH) 2018 Presidential Outstanding Professor. “I was so happy that I actually cried when I heard. All the years of hard work that I put into my career–that I love–then to be honored in this way is just so sweet and wonderful. It's hard to explain how much I appreciate the award and this university that has been such a big part of my life for so long,” says Cheever, who began at CSUDH as a student, then a part-time ... Read More
President Willie J. Hagan Honored by U.S. Congress
Congresswoman Nanette Diaz Barragán recognized President Willie J. Hagan on the floor of the U.S. House of Representatives, honoring him for his stellar service in higher education and tenure as president of California State University, Dominguez Hills. Barragán represents the campus in the 44th District and is a strong supporter of the university. Her remarks were aired on C-SPAN. ... Read More
Doris Namala is Reviving History’s Lost Perspectives
Two of Doris Namala's greatest thrills are experiencing students' enthusiasm about her lessons that challenge European-centered perspectives of Mexican history, and knowing her former students who now teach are relishing the same experience in local schools. Namala, a colonial Latin American historian, is well respected in California State University, Dominguez Hills' (CSUDH) History Department for her bold and creative approach to integrating her research into student learning. That admiration has garnered her the 2018 Catherine H. Jacobs Outstanding Faculty Lecturer Award, an honor that acknowledges non-tenure track lecturers who have “demonstrated excellence in teaching effectiveness ... Read More
Testing Your Brain on Tech with Katie Couric and Steve Aoki
The research of Professors of Psychology Mark Carrier and Larry Rosen, and Chair and Professor of Communications Nancy Cheever on people's addiction to technology, particularly smartphones and social media, continues to attract media attention. Veteran journalist Katie Couric interviewed the professors for an episode of her new series on National Geographic Channel called “America Inside Out with Katie Couric.” Couric visited campus in November 2017 with electronic dance music DJ and social media celebrity Steve Aoki to talk with the professors about their recent research on the connection between smart phone use and brain anxiety and concentration levels. Cheever and Carrier ... Read More
O&P Students Offer First Dance and Swim to those with Disabilities
With help from students in California State University, Dominguez Hills' (CSUDH) Orthotics and Prosthetics Department, O&P patients learned to better manage their functional limitations in a fun and active way during First Dance and First Swim adaptive clinics on March 16-17. The O&P Society, the O&P Department's student organization, held the clinics in partnership with the Orthotic and Prosthetic Activities Foundation (OPAF) to offer those with amputations, limb differences, and other physical disabilities the opportunity to learn or relearn to dance and swim with the help of skilled instructors and adaptive equipment. For many, it was the first time they entered a pool ... Read More
Faculty Highlights: March 2018
Our faculty members participate in conferences around the world, conduct groundbreaking research, and publish books and journal papers that contribute to their field and highlight their expertise. We feature those accomplishments and more in this section. College of Arts and Humanities Professor of Communications Nancy Cheever, and Emeritus Professor of Psychology Larry Rosen, co-authored the chapters “When Does Internet and Smartphone use Become a Problem?” and “Media Multitasking and Mental Health” in the textbook Technology and Adolescent Mental Health. The book provides a framework for healthcare providers working with the dual challenges and opportunities presented by the intersection ... Read More