Was it a steady flow of soft serve ice cream, or just your everyday swirl of carbon dioxide gas bubbles being streamed onto a boy's head? Justin Time-and-Space, a Mad Science Group, Inc. employee with a questionable last name, said “both would be fun,” then corrected the boy's ice cream quip in humorous yet scientific detail. The concoction was being served up during California State University, Dominguez Hills (CSUDH) 2nd annual STEM in Action: Kid's Conference on March 11. The conference invited nearly 700 inner-city elementary, and middle school students from the Los Angeles area to explore the lighter side of science in fun and creative ways. “It sounds a bit complicated, ... Read More
MSA Spring Summit Strengthens Brotherhood Among 1,000 Young Men of Color
When Jeff Duncan-Andrade saw an African-American and a Latino student straightening each other's ties before the opening ceremony of the Male Success Alliance (MSA) 7th Annual Spring Summit “Reclaiming Our Legacy: Achievement, Advancement and Advocacy,” he was reaffirmed of how “legit” the event and the university's commitment to helping young men of color is. For Duncan-Andrade, an associate professor of Raza studies and education administration and interdisciplinary studies at San Francisco State University, it was his fourth time speaking at the day-long summit. Hosted by the MSA at California State University, Dominguez Hills (CSUDH) on Feb. 4, the summit featured workshops, ... Read More
Mock Trial Program Makes Case at Competition; Student Gabriella DiCaprio Wins ‘Top Regional Attorney’
A corrupt gambling commissioner was standing trial for taking a bribe from a shady casino owner looking to expand, and the verdict was in–the defendant was found “guilty!” California State University, Dominguez Hills' (CSUDH) prosecutors had won their case, as well as the last of the four rounds their eight-student team had competed in at the 2016 regionals of the American Mock Trial Association (AMTA) tournament on Feb. 27-28 at Claremont McKenna College. The team did not win the round simply by winning the case, but based on the number of points all the team members had accumulated for their performances during the round. The round was particularly significant for Gabriella ... Read More
Preventing Campus Violence Forum Promotes Vigilance at CSUDH
As the University Police Department carries out its more proactive and campus-inclusive approach to law enforcement, California State University, Dominguez Hills (CSUDH) is benefitting from its lowest crime rate in decades, but the campus community must still remain on guard in an era of increased campus violence. To lend a hand to the department's 20 sworn officers and 15 civilian employees, CSUDH encouraged a group of nearly 300 now well-informed observers during the “Understanding and Preventing Campus Violence” forum on March 2 to keep a look out for signs of suspicious behavior that could lead to violent acts. Along with identifying individuals who may have a propensity toward ... Read More
Occupational Thearapy Master’s Students Conduct Fieldwork in Mazatlán
Laurelin Hefter was uneasy around children, an admission she shared with her fellow California State University, Dominguez Hills (CSUDH) Master of Science Occupational Therapy (MSOT) students during their recent fieldwork trip to Mazatlán, Mexico, to help provide care and wheelchairs to children and adults with disabilities. Adding to her apprehension was that the team would also be working with kids suffering from severe Cerebral Palsy. She was unsure how to interact with them or if she could temper her reaction to their body movements or drooling, which is often associated with the disorder. But those concerns proved fleeting after she began holding their bodies close to hers. “I ... Read More