Showcasing the popularity of Student Research Day (SRD) at California State University, Dominguez Hills (CSUDH), this year more than 450 students found time during their busy academic schedules to develop and present comprehensive research to the campus community. The over-whelming response in student submissions resulted in the largest SRD in the event's 11-year history on the campus, and the decision to extend the conference over two days. Along with the hundreds of student presenters, nearly 100 faculty served as mentors, and more than 170 faculty, staff, alumni and outside professionals sat in on sessions to critique their work. “It's unbelievable! The number of students ... Read More
Albert McNeil Jubilee Singers perform African American ‘spirituals’ at CSUDH
A nearly full University Theatre at California State University, Dominguez Hills (CSUDH) was captivated by rich harmonic tones of the Albert McNeil Jubilee Singers of Los Angeles on Feb. 4 as they performed a broad arrangement of melodies called “spirituals,” songs inspired by the hardships of African slaves. Founded in 1968, the acclaimed traveling company has helped engender international recognition of African American spirituals (also known as “Negro Spirituals”). Originally unaccompanied monophonic (unison) songs, spirituals are best known today in harmonized choral arrangements. “In the beginning there was the work, and the work became the song. In between 1720 and 1865 [when ... Read More
Shari Berkowitz and her colleagues discover that sleep deprivation increases risk of false confession
Shari R. Berkowitz, an assistant professor at California State University, Dominguez Hills (CSUDH), and her fellow researchers provide the first empirical evidence that sleep deprivation increases the risk an innocent person will falsely confess to an act of wrongdoing. Berkowitz and her colleagues published their paper “Sleep deprivation and false confessions,” in the Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences (PNAS). Berkowitz assisted in designing the experiment, creating the research materials, and writing the paper. The researchers' breakthrough study found that after a single request, the odds of participants providing a false admission were 4.5 times higher if they had ... Read More
CSUDH President Willie J. Hagan inducted into L.A. Hall of Fame during African American Heritage Month celebration
For his role in “reinvigorating” California State University, Dominguez Hills' (CSUDH) mission for the students and communities it serves, President Willie J. Hagan was honored on Feb. 3 with the City of Los Angeles's Hall of Fame award for “Outstanding Achievement in Education" at its kick off of African American Heritage month in the city. Four-time Grammy-winning singer-songwriter Lionel Richie was also honored during the celebration with the “Living Legend Award.” Other inductees into the Hall of Fame were California Board of Equalization Chairman and CSUDH alumnus Jerome Horton ('79, B.S., business administration), and California Court of Appeal Justice Audrey Collins. L.A. ... Read More
A Change is Going to Come. But When?
What happens after a community rises up in protest and demands an end to inequality, brutality, racism and economic injustice? Justin Gammage, CSU Dominguez Hills assistant professor of Africana studies, examines whether or not civil rights movements – both past and present – have effected change. For the last couple of years, an angry chorus of protest has risen in response to a string of police shootings that have resulted in the deaths of unarmed African Americans across the United States. The Black Lives Matter movement, along with other activist groups, have newly elevated an old, persistent issue into the national dialogue. “In the last three years, there have been the largest ... Read More