To mark the anniversary of the Watts Rebellion, California State University, Dominguez Hills (CSUDH) is hosting a year-long, interdisciplinary “conversation” among faculty, students and the community with events taking place both on and off campus. The “50th Anniversary Watts Rebellion Commemoration” will examine the rebellion's impact by exploring conditions that preceded the uprising and the status of race relations, socioeconomics, education, and equality in the region and across the nation. “The history of Cal State Dominguez Hills and the Watts Rebellion are inextricably linked. In the wake of the tragic events leading to the rebellion, the campus we today know as CSU Dominguez Hills ... Read More
Summer Bridge creates ‘web’ of support for incoming students
Standing outside the University Gymnasium early on a Friday morning, Summer Bridge Academy (SBA) peer mentor Alyssa Martinez begins tossing a roll of yarn across a large circle of incoming California State University, Dominguez Hills (CSUDH) students. The first student to catch the yarn answers three questions to become acquainted with his group of peers and to join the “unbreakable” circle before tossing it to another student who does the same. As the exercise continues a “web” begins to form. “This is one of my favorite activities. After we've thrown the yarn across several times we create a web that connects the students to each other. We ask each of them 'What's your name?,' ... Read More
CSUDH and Carson show World Games athletes ‘Host Town’ hospitality
He may have lost his spot running the half-marathon, but top sprinter Michael Destouche from Dominica doesn't mind; he is still certain he will don “gold” and stand on the tallest podium after competing in the Special Olympics World Games Los Angeles 2015 (LA2015). “I'm ready for the games and I'm very excited to be here. It's my first time in this country and it's beautiful,” said Destouche. “I'm a sprinter and I'm running the 50- and 100- meter races. We practice every day–Saturday and after work, so I'm looking forward to competing. Last year I did the half-marathon and came in first. I'm not doing it this year because I'm getting old. I'm 48 now. The short run is better for ... Read More
CSUDH, Carson Welcome Special Olympic Delegations from Dominica, Palestine, Syria, Turkmenistan, Mali
From July 21 to 25, California State University, Dominguez Hills (CSUDH) and the City of Carson will host delegations of athletes and coaches from the countries of Dominica, Palestine, Turkmenistan, Syria and Mali as part of the Special Olympics World Games Los Angeles Host Town program. “CSU Dominguez Hills is honored and excited to be hosting the Special Olympics World Game athletes on campus as they prepare for international competition,” said University President Willie J. Hagan. “But the World Games are about much more than competition. It's about compassion, camaraderie, and overcoming obstacles. It's about gratification, instilling self-confidence and creating opportunities for ... Read More
Digital Media Arts students produce PSAs for City of Los Angeles
Looking for a way to produce four professional, high-quality public service announcements (PSA) without the high cost usually charged by industry professionals, the City of Los Angeles Department of Recreation and Parks turned to California State University, Dominguez Hills' Digital Media Arts (DMA) Department and got a great price–free. The city pitched the PSA project to seniors in the DMA 346 Client-Based Production Workshop, the third and final course in a three-semester sequence required for the DMA Television Arts degree option. This course is one reason the DMA program has proven popular among local industry, non-profits and city agencies, as well as groups on campus that–along ... Read More