Art and design student Adrian Gonzalez scours a thrift store before finding what he is looking for–an old vintage chair. When he gets home, he places it on the floor, cleans it up and takes a seat to try it out. He then stands, grabs an aluminum baseball bat and begins breaking the chair to bits. Gonzalez arranges the pieces on a canvas placed flat on the floor, adds blue and green shades of paint and dribbles water all over to create an “ocean feel.” He grabs his camera and begins taking pictures, rearranges the splintered wood, then takes more shots. He does this several times. Now back at his computer, he adds graphic elements and a title, “The Chairs,” to his piece, and to ... Read More
Alumna Linda DeYampert featured in ‘Made in the CSU’ display
Linda Corsey DeYampert, a California State University, Dominguez Hills alumna and the first African American woman to hold a management position at the National Football League (NFL) Network, has been selected to be featured in the California State University's Made in the CSU poster display in the state capitol. “I'm very surprised when I'm honored for my accomplishments. When you're passionate, believe, serve and value your work in the community–both personally and professionally–it becomes part of your daily routine,” said DeYampert (1999, B.S., business management). “I'm also honored and humbled about the opportunity to have my image placed on the wall in the capitol." DeYampert is ... Read More
Terri Ares presented Clinical Nurse Specialist Educator of the Year Award
Terri Ares, lecturer and Clinical Nurse Specialist (CNS) program adviser at California State University, Dominguez Hills (CSUDH), means a lot to her students. Entrenched last fall while finishing their clinical hours, studying for final exams and preparing for graduation, her students somehow etched out enough time to gather feedback about Ares from multiple sources, solicit letters from her colleagues, and assemble an award nomination package to submit to the National Association of Clinical Nurse Specialists (NACNS). Their efforts paid off. On March 6, Ares was presented the NACNS' prestigious Clinical Nurse Specialist Educator of the Year Award during its 2015 Annual Conference in ... Read More
Faculty scholar Sharrell Luckett employs a ‘collective’ approach to teaching
Sharrell D. Luckett, assistant professor of theatre at California State University, Dominguez Hills (CSUDH), is helping her students in the Performance Studies and Arts Research Collective “harness their artistic ingenuity” while discovering their true selves through the study of others. Established by Luckett when she arrived at CSUDH in 2013, the Performance Studies and Arts Research Collective in the Department of Theatre Arts and Dance consists mostly of theatre and dance students, but also includes business, psychology, communication, education, mathematics, and music majors. Luckett said she designed the collective to engage students in opportunities that spark life-long learning as ... Read More
Student James Harris receives Torrance Chamber’s Inspirational Spirit Award
James Harris, a business accounting major and Africana studies minor at California State University, Dominguez Hills (CSUDH), is more than happy to help high school student Raul Ruiz when he calls looking for a ride to school, a few bucks or for Harris to let his teachers know he can't make it to school. Ruiz has come a long way since Harris began mentoring him at Bethune Middle School in Los Angeles, one of the schools he has been assigned as an academic mentor in CSUDH's Male Success Alliance (MSA). “I met Raul when he was involved in a gang. He was very quiet when we first met. I found out he had failing grades in all his classes, that his parents neglected him, and that ... Read More