Ximena Cid is more than an accomplished physicist, she's also a self-described “vocal advocate for women and black, indigenous, and people of color” participating in physics, space, and other hard sciences. The California State University, Dominguez Hills physics professor is considered a trailblazer in the field, a status that was confirmed with her recent selection as a delegate to the International Conference on Women in Physics. Cid is one of just 20 female scientists nationwide selected for the conference, which is sponsored by the International Union of Pure and Applied Physics (IUPAP) and will take place in Melbourne, Australia this July. It's a great honor, and one that extends ... Read More
2020 Innovative Teaching Symposium Fosters Faculty Learning and Camaraderie
Susan D. Einbinder treasures the “sense of commitment to innovative teaching” shared by faculty at California State University, Dominguez Hills (CSUDH), but recognizes that many groups still tend to discuss their work and socialize in a vacuum. She believes that is why the Innovative Teaching Symposium has become a popular way for faculty to come together and discuss their research and knowledge, and to get better acquainted. Einbinder, an associate professor of social work at CSUDH and coordinator of the Jan. 17 symposium, chose “faculty learning communities (FLC)” as the focus of the daylong event this year, a topic she has studied for years. FLCs enable faculty to engage in active ... Read More
‘Will the Circle Be Unbroken: The Sacred Music of the African American Diaspora’
(Carson, CA) - California State University, Dominguez Hills' (CSUDH) Gerth Archives and Special Collections presents “Will the Circle Be Unbroken: The Sacred Music of the African American Diaspora,” an exhibition that explores the role that local African American musicians and their music has played in the cultural institutions of Los Angeles' black communities. The exhibit will run from Feb. 3 to Aug. 7, Monday - Friday from 10 a.m. to 4 p.m., in the CSUDH Library Cultural Arts Center. Featuring documents and photography donated to the Gerth Archives by Albert McNeil, founder of the celebrated Los Angeles-based choral music ensemble the Albert McNeil Jubilee Singers, and Hansonia ... Read More
Faculty Highlights: January 2020
Our faculty members participate in conferences around the world, conduct groundbreaking research, and publish books and journal papers that contribute to their field and highlight their expertise. We feature those accomplishments and more in this section. College of Business Administration and Public Policy Fynnwin Prager, assistant professor of public administration, and Mohja Rhoads, lecturer in policy, planning and development, have penned the article “Telecommuters create positive change - so why aren't employers more flexible about people working from home?” for the online news outlet The Conversation. Xuefei (Nancy) Deng, associate professor of ... Read More
CSUDH Student Roger Perez Shares His Graduation Initiative 2025 Story
It used to be that first-year CSU students who struggled with math or English were placed in remedial education classes to prepare them to do college-level work. Because they received no credit for these courses, that often meant they spent more time and money attending college before earning their degree. In fall 2018, that changed. The CSU eliminated these developmental courses, and now students like California State University, Dominguez Hills sophomore Roger Perez earn credit right from the start. Plus, they get extra instruction; as a freshman, Perez received two-and-a-half hours of additional teaching on statistics and algebra every week. “I took advantage of the review class for ... Read More