Source: La Opinión (Spanish) Desde el barrio marginal de Las Cruces, en su natal Bogotá, Colombia, Jeisson Pulido solía mirar las estrellas con asombro y nunca imaginó que algún día estaría trabajando con la Agencia Espacial Europea (ESA), ayudando a examinar un componente que es parte de unsatélite de investigación de vanguardia. Jeisson Pulido Calderón, de 24 años, se graduó esta semana y obtuvo una licenciatura en física, en Cal State University Domínguez Hills (CSUDH) y se enfila hacia obtener un posgrado en astrofísica de alta energía en la Universidad del Sur de California (USC). “Quiero estudiar las estrellas supernovas usando la inteligencia artificial”, dice a La Opinión. ... Read More
CSUDH In The News
Daily Breeze: CSUDH Kicks Off Graduation Ceremonies with Long Beach Mayor as 1st Keynote Speaker
Source: Daily Breeze Cal State Dominguez Hills kicked off two days of commencement ceremonies on Friday morning, May 19 – with an alum-turned-political leader serving as the keynote speaker. Long Beach Mayor Rex Richardson, who was elected to that post in November, addressed the colleges of Arts and Humanities, and Education on Friday, empowering the class of 2023 to work to change their communities for the better. The ceremony at which Richardson spoke was the first of six, with three taking place Friday and the final three set for Saturday. State Attorney General Rob Bonta is slated to address CSUDH's College of Business Administration and Public Policy during its ... Read More
In the Margins Podcast: Fundamental Lessons for Black Faculty and Student Success
Source: In the Margins (Diverse: Issues in Higher Education) Dr. Thomas A. Parham, president of CSUDH, shares what he believes are the fundamental ingredients for success for Black faculty and students in the 114th episode of In the Margins. In this episode, Diverse host David Pluviose welcomes Parham, who speaks to his own journey to university president and the implicit bias he has encountered in higher education. Be sure not to miss this conversation on what Parham calls the stones of stagnation and rocks of resignation that keep higher education from being the diverse, inclusive, and socially minded institutions they say they want to be, and hear how he plans to close the gap ... Read More
Daily Breeze: Long Beach Mayor Richardson to Deliver Keynote Speech at CSUDH Commencement
Source: Daily Breeze Long Beach Mayor Rex Richardson is set to return to his alma matter, Cal State Dominguez Hills, to deliver the one of the university's 2023 commencement keynote speeches. More than 3,000 graduates will receive their diplomas this year at the Dignity Sports Health Park Tennis Stadium in a series of six ceremonies slated for Friday and Saturday, May 19-20. Richardson will deliver his address during the first set of graduations on Friday morning to the College or Arts and Humanities and the College of Education. “It is a full circle moment to come home and be able to impart some words of wisdom to this new graduating class,” Richardson said in a Tuesday, May 16, ... Read More
Office Hours Podcast: Thomas Parham Defining and Framing Higher Education
Source: Office Hours with John Gardner (Podcast) Thomas A. Parham, Ph.D., is a family man who resides in the Southern California area with his wife, Davida. Dr. Parham is the 11th president of California State University, Dominguez Hills (CSUDH), a highly diverse, metropolitan university primarily serving the South Central and South Bay areas of Los Angeles County. Established in 1960, CSUDH is one of the 23 campuses that comprise the California State University system, the largest system of public higher education in the nation. Dr. Parham previously served as vice chancellor of student affairs and an adjunct faculty member at the University of California, Irvine, where he had been ... Read More