Op-ed by CSUDH President Thomas A Parham appears in the June 4 issue of Diverse: Issues in Higher Education. Minneapolis, Minnesota, is a long way from Brunswick, Georgia and Louisville, Kentucky. Yet the three areas are now inextricably linked by the recent tragedies that befell African-American citizens - murdered in those locations by citizen vigilantes or police officers. Each illuminates a teachable moment that we would do well to learn from, and demonstrates that even during a historic pandemic, when we are all supposedly “in this together,” that we still have a long way to go as a society before we truly reach “togetherness.” These tragedies shout out a familiar refrain to ... Read More
CSUDH In The News
Inside Higher Ed: Q&A with CSUDH Clinical Psychologist Norma Quintero
Source: Inside Higher Ed Skip to the Q&A with Norma Quintero below. Things are heating up. I encourage everyone to get out and grab some sunshine (with a mask on, of course). Before we get to it, some fun things to cleanse your palate. The Washington Post's TikTok guy, Dave Jorgenson, sat down with Rainn Wilson (aka Dwight from The Office) to talk about anxiety and breathing techniques. It's a strangely calming interview to watch. I found some nice wildlife shots for you. And yes, there is yet more UFO news. Before we move on, this is a gentle reminder that you'll find our weekly Q&A if you scroll down. Last week, I talked with a university psychologist about what ... Read More
Daily Breeze: “Carson’s Cal State Dominguez Hills Aims to Preserve Coronavirus History”
Source: Daily Breeze These are historic times and in the era of the coronavirus pandemic, everyone is part of the still-unfolding story. Carson's Cal State Dominguez Hills wants to tell that story to future generations via paintings, social media posts, digital photos, journal entries and the like created by Southern California residents while it's still happening. Greg Williams, director of the Gerth Archives and Special Collections at the university, described the process as “collecting in advance of the past.” “This is not a collection for tomorrow because everybody is living it right now,” Williams said. “It's a collection for 20, 50 or 100 years from now. “It's not too ... Read More
LA Sentinel: “Adjusting to Adaptation: Educating University Students Amid the Covid-19 Health Crisis”
Opinion piece by President Parham Source: LA Sentinel Springtime is a season when thoughts turn toward warmer weather, new beginnings, and budding opportunities. Such is the case for freshman and transfer applicants to colleges and universities around the state and country, as both groups wait on that hoped-for letter of admission and consider which opportunity they will accept among the options they have been provided. California State University, Dominguez Hills (CSUDH), one of 23 campuses in the California State University system, has extended offers to its Fall 2020 class and is now awaiting students' decisions to enroll. This admissions season, however, brings a mixed bag of ... Read More
Daily Breeze: “Coronavirus Q&A: How a South Bay Business Expert Sees Society, Workspaces Evolving”
Source: Daily Breeze Last January, Fynnwin Prager, co-director of the South Bay Economics Institute at Carson's Cal State Dominguez Hills, issued a report on the current and future state of telecommuting that concluded: “The $1 million question is how do we get more commuters out of their cars and working from home?” At the time, a global pandemic that would emerge a year later and force people to socially isolate at home, wasn't foreseen. But given how major events – including public health disasters – have historically resulted in major societal changes, the Daily Breeze asked Prager about how the coronavirus pandemic may affect not only how we live, but how we work. The ... Read More