In his inauguration speech, Gov. Jerry Brown talked about his ancestors, who toughed it out on the frontier as they migrated to California. In the 1960s, the Brown family was still roughing it out over the land, but as enthusiastic campers who wanted to see the natural wonders of the Golden State. During his administration, Gov. Edmund “Pat” Brown took annual treks into the California wilderness. Joining him were his son and future governor Edmund “Jerry” Brown, Jr., and several state officials including Donald P. Loker, one of the longest serving supporters of California State College, Dominguez Hills and later, California State University, Dominguez Hills. The Donald P. and ... Read More
Dale Mueller: Professor of Nursing Visits Cuba on Humanitarian Mission
During her visit to Cuba this past October, Dale Mueller was surprised by many cultural aspects that belied popular beliefs about the communist nation. While participating in a humanitarian effort administered through a faith-based NGO and approved by the Cuban government, the associate professor of nursing at California State University, Dominguez Hills was continually impressed by an unanticipated spirit of community. She says that in the cities of Havana, Trinidad de Cuba, and Cienfuegos, friendly interactions between everyone from longtime neighbors to foreign visitors was a common thread. “Everyone was extremely open,” Mueller recalls. “People you would meet sitting at a ... Read More
Patricia Hinchberger: Nursing Professor Sees a New Day for Women in Kenya
Dr. Patricia Hinchberger, director of the master's entry-level professional nursing program (MEPN) at California State University, Dominguez Hills, participated in a humanitarian mission to Africa last fall led by the Worldwide Network for Gender Empowerment (WNGE) at Fielding Graduate University in Santa Barbara. The organization, which Hinchberger has been a core member of since 2007, visited villages in Kenya, including Kibera, the second largest urban slum in Africa. An expert on health promotion, disease prevention, and community health, Hinchberger helped educate children in the village of Kunya about dental hygiene. WNGE, along with financial support from the “Full Circle ... Read More
Can’t Buy Me Love: Course Examines Consumer Spending
Despite the economic downturn, holiday spending still happens, with shoppers looking for the perfect gift at a good price. As is often the case, the would-be Santas are also buying presents for themselves, many of which will end up in the backs of closets or otherwise never used. This fall, in Anne Choi's class on “American Consumerism,” students were asked to bring items to class that had caused them to feel buyer's remorse. The session, which was recorded by American Public Media's “Marketplace,” aired on NPR on Dec. 13. Choi says that people often think they can buy happiness “because the media tells us that we can.” “It has become easier to buy things than to do things that ... Read More
Mark Waldrep: Professor of Digital Media Arts Shares Vision of Blu-ray Audio
Mark Waldrep is like thousands of people who have moved to California: he came with dreams of stardom. For him, it wasn't the big screen, but the rock arena. Along the way though, he discovered his musical talents were better served in another area that held his interest–audio technology. “I realized my guitar playing skills weren't going to help me break into the Top 40 on the music charts, but I do have a creative musical sensibility, so I thought, why not be on the other side of the glass?” said the professor of digital media arts at California State University, Dominguez Hills who is now an expert at the forefront of three dimension (3D) surround music and video. Waldrep's ... Read More