California State University, Dominguez Hills music major Daniel Terrazas, who plans to become a music educator, worked with Mexican singer and gold- and platinum-record winner Graciela Beltrán during a recent three-day tour in Oklahoma. Terrazas works part time around the Los Angeles area playing the tuba for Mexican Folk groups in music styles including banda sinaloence, sirreno, and norteños. One of the promoters for these groups offered Terrazas the opportunity to play for the widely popular Latina singer Beltrán, who has performed corridos, romanticas, and baladas for at least a decade. Terrazas took the job to get a higher level of professional experience under his belt. “The ... Read More
Henry Cisneros Discusses Leadership Essentials for the Next Generation
Dr. Henry Cisneros, former United States Housing and Urban Development (HUD) secretary and executive chairman of CityView, delivered the inaugural lecture of the Presidential Lecture Series presented by Dr. Mildred García at California State University, Dominguez Hills on Sept. 30. This was Dr. Cisneros' second visit to the university; last May he received an honorary doctorate and served as keynote speaker during the commencement ceremony for the College of Business Administration and Public Policy. Distinguished guests included Mr. Henry Mendoza, CSU trustee; Dr. Yolanda Moses, professor of anthropology and associate vice chancellor of diversity, excellence and equity at UC Riverside ... Read More
Jennifer Bleidistel: Easter Seals Ambassador Teaches Children in Infant Toddler Center
Jennifer Bleidistel works at the Infant Toddler Center at California State University, Dominguez Hills as a teacher assistant. Like the other staff members, she takes care of the children there, many of whom have disabilities like autism or Down syndrome. For the last ten years, she has read to them, fed them breakfast and lunch, and tended to their basic needs during the day. But unlike most the other teachers and assistants, she shares something in common with many of her young charges - she too has a disability. Bleidistel, who was born with Down syndrome, found the job at the Infant Toddler Center through Easter Seals Southern California's Supported Employment Program. On Oct. 9, ... Read More
Brandilynn Villarreal: Alumna Finds Path to Doctorate By Mentoring McNair Scholars
When Brandilynn Villarreal (Class of '09, M.A., clinical psychology) took a job as a grad assistant for the McNair Scholars Program at California State University, Dominguez Hills, she had thought the responsibility of helping underrepresented, first-generation college students prepare for advanced degrees was interesting. So much so, that as a doctoral candidate in social and personality psychology at the University of California, Irvine she decided to analyze how that same student population copes with graduate school. “I had to come here and see that I was really interested in doing that,” says Villarreal, who had earned her bachelor's degree in psychology at UCLA with a focus on ... Read More
Unveiling of “Manifest Diversity” Celebrates Mural of Diverse American History
On Sept. 9, students, faculty and staff, alumni, and other community supporters gathered near the Loker Student Union at California State University, Dominguez Hills for the unveiling of “Manifest Diversity,” a mural that was created under the guidance of muralist Eliseo Art Silva. The large-scale work with its depiction of a multiethnic view of American history as painted by students and volunteers from the university community is now on view in the Multicultural Center. “Manifest Diversity,” which was inspired largely by the writings of historian and social activist Howard Zinn, features approximately 95 images of individuals and iconic scenes in American history, from Pre-Columbian ... Read More