Dr. Solomon Marmor, emeritus professor of chemistry, died last week at the age of 84 from injuries sustained from a recent fall. The Seattle resident was a member of the founding faculty of California State University, Dominguez Hills from 1966 to 1985. “Our original faculty had an incredible variety of people, not only in academic disciplines, but in personality,” says Judson Grenier, emeritus professor of history (1966-1992). “Sol was an instant leader, but one with a wry sense of humor that often brought us back to reality or poured calm over troubled waters. He was simply someone with whom it was a lot of fun to work, and he was sharp as hell. He always smiled when exposing our ... Read More
Geetanjali Ashok: International MBA Student Takes Team to First Place in Business Plan Contest
Geetanjali Ashok, an MBA student at California State University, Dominguez Hills, won first prize with her team in a business plan competition during the Emerging Minority Business Leaders (EMBL) Program held last month at West Liberty University in West Liberty, W. Va. Ashok's team, which was made up of students from UC Berkeley, Hunter College, Jackson State University, Miami International University, and North Carolina Agriculture & Technical State University, has been invited to deliver their presentation on a glucose monitoring device for diabetics to the US Department of Commerce this fall at the annual conference of the National Association of Seed and Venture Funds in October in ... Read More
Anthropology Students Get a Taste of Cacao Farming In Chiapas
Many students at California State University, Dominguez Hills spend their summers in various internships in a diversity of fields. Not that many students at the metropolitan institution, however, can say they had the opportunity to work on a rural chocolate farm in Mexico. In June, associate professor of anthropology Janine Gasco took students in her Introduction to Mesoamerican Ethnoecology class on a two-week excursion to the Soconusco region of Chiapas, Mexico, for a look at local agriculture. In collaboration with a local nonprofit, La Red Maya de Organizaciones Orgánicas (CASFA), Gasco and her students assisted the area's cacao farmers and studied the methods and culture in which ... Read More
Gloria Lopez: History Major Awarded Getty Multicultural Internship
When Gloria Lopez was in the seventh grade at Virgil Middle School in Los Angeles, her teacher taught her and her classmates that history was “more than just memorizing dates and events, it is about understanding different cultures and their experiences.” Later at Belmont High School, her passion for 20th century European and Latin American history was encouraged by her tenth grade teacher. “History is the one subject that I find the most intriguing,” says Lopez. “Back in the tenth grade I found it interesting to learn about World War I, World War II, and the Cold War, about Hitler, and about communism. Now, I enjoy learning the stories of the people that lived during these wars and ... Read More