The National Endowment for the Humanities (NEH) has awarded California State University, Dominguez Hills and Dominguez Rancho Adobe Museum a $171,788 grant through its Landmarks of American History and Culture program to offer two weeklong professional development workshops next summer for high school teachers across the country. The proposal also received a “We the People” designation for its “efforts to strengthen the teaching, study, and understanding of American history and culture,” according to an NEH press release. Professors from CSU Dominguez Hills, along with staff in the university's Service Learning, Internships and Civic Engagement (SLICE) and Archives and Special Collections ... Read More
Campus News
CSU Dominguez Hills One of Nation’s Top 100 Degree Producers for Minority Students
(Carson, CA) - California State University, Dominguez Hills is among the top 100 universities in the nation to confer the most degrees, both undergraduate and graduate, on students of color. The magazine Diverse: Issues in Higher Education recently released its annual “Top 100 Undergraduate Degree Producers” and “Top 100 Graduate Degree Producers” rankings, and CSU Dominguez Hills ranked as high as 17th in the nation in one of the undergraduate discipline categories. Using graduation data reported by two- and four-year institutions to the U.S. Department of Education's National Center for Education Statistics for the 2008-09 academic year, the magazine ranked universities not only on how ... Read More
Dr. Kimberly Trimble Named Fulbright Scholar for 2009-10
Dr. Kimberly Trimble, professor in the Division of Teacher Education, was named a Fulbright Scholar for 2009-2010 and spent the academic year at the Bilkent University in Ankara, Turkey, teaching and directing student research in the Graduate School of Education's Master's in Teaching English as a Foreign Language program, and developing a language program for new diplomats through the Turkish Foreign Ministry. His English language curriculum development course at Bilkent was broadcast via satellite to a class of TEFL students at the University of Mosul in Iraq. ... Read More
Fighting Youth Violence Before It Starts: Students and Professor of Teacher Education Deliver Messages of Mentoring, Collaboration
Every year since Richard Gordon's 17-year-old son, Kwame, was fatally shot at a party in 2006, the California State University, Dominguez Hills professor of teacher education has honored his memory with an annual dinner to raise funds for a scholarship at the Waldorf School in Altadena. The school, which Kwame Gordon attended from kindergarten through the eighth grade, provides its students with an education that helps them grasp academics through imaginative and interdisciplinary methods. In a similar way, Richard Gordon seeks to help his neighbors understand that violence is not unique to low-income communities and underserved youth. A major component of Kwame's memorial are guest ... Read More
Annual Staff Awards Celebrate Service, Commitment to Students
Staff and administrators at California State University, Dominguez Hills were honored with an awards ceremony on July 15 in the Loker Student Union. Longtime employees from every department on campus were welcomed by President Mildred García, who noted that “No matter where you work, you are an educator here at Cal State Dominguez Hills.” “You are all working to make sure our students have the best environment possible,” she said of the 104 employees who are eligible this year for recognition of their fifth, 10th, 15th, 20th, 25th, or 35th anniversaries at CSU Dominguez Hills. “All of you should be proud that the jobs we have transform the lives of students every day. We thank you for ... Read More