Source: Los Angeles Times IONE, Calif. — Decades ago as a little boy growing up in Santa Rosa, Luke Scott made a pledge to his mom that he would graduate from college one day. Despite being sentenced to life in prison for murder without the possibility of parole in 1988, Scott kept his promise. Scott, 60, earned his first of eight associate’s degrees from Coastline Community College in 2010 while at Salinas Valley State Prison. His mother kept a copy of his first degree hanging on the wall so she could boast of her son’s accomplishments. Twelve years later, long after his mother died in 2011, Scott went on to earn his bachelor’s degree in communications from Sacramento State while ... Read More
CSUDH Campus News Center Archive
Staff Spotlight: Raven Emmert
As the marketing and public relations coordinator for Associated Students, Inc. (ASI), Raven Emmert is all about making connections and doing her best for the students she serves. “College is a really impactful time in one’s life and I want to ensure that CSUDH students are using their college experience as an opportunity to grow, lead, and blossom,” she says. In her role with ASI, Emmert manages the group’s social media accounts, as well as meeting with local media outlets to get the CSUDH story out to the public. Her typical day starts by reviewing the ASI social media accounts, “to see if any comments or DMs need to be responded to, and to see how our latest posts are doing.” Emmert ... Read More
Economic Forecast Touts Strength of the South Bay
The South Bay has proven remarkably resilient in the face of recent economic challenges and uncertainties, and is well poised to weather future changes. That optimistic message was woven throughout CSUDH’s ninth annual South Bay Economic Forecast on Oct. 26, where more than 300 industry leaders gathered to listen to CSUDH and business experts discuss the region’s economic trends. Moderated by Frank Mottek of 790 KABC’s Mottek on Money radio show, the event began with CSUDH’s South Bay Economic Institute discussing their 2023 South Bay Economic Forecast and Industry Outlook, a report which delves into sectors of the economy ranging from real estate to entrepreneurship, manufacturing, the ... Read More
CSUDH Presents “Compass: The Past Forges the Future” Dance Concert
What: "Compass: The Past Forges the Future" Dance Concert at the CSUDH University TheatreWhen: Wednesday through Saturday, November 8, 9, 10, and 11 at 7:00 p.m.Tickets: Tickets are $15 per night. To reserve a ticket, visit Call the CSUDH Performing Arts Department at (310) 243-3589, or email California State University, Dominguez Hills (CSUDH) Department of Theatre and Dance will present the live dance concert "Compass: The Past Forges the Future." Artistic Directors and CSUDH faculty Chelsea Asman and Marco Carreon present this show with fellow faculty and guest ... Read More
KABC 790: Mottek on Money Interview with CSUDH Economics Institute
Source: KABC 790 On the day of the 2023 South Bay Economic Forecast, Frank Mottek broadcast his program from CSUDH and interviewed the South Bay Economics Institute (from 26:34). Listen to the broadcast below: ... Read More