Source: KABC (video - start at 10:01) KABC's Tim Pulliam covered the CSUDH College of Education Credential Celebration, where new teacher-students celebrated the completion of their credential programs. ... Read More
CSUDH Campus News Center Archive
Univision: LAUSD Needs Credentialed Teachers, and a Program Can Help Those Interested
Source: Univision 34 (video, Spanish) In his commencement address at California State University, Dominguez Hills, Los Angeles Unified School District (LAUSD) Superintendent Alberto Carvalho stressed that there is a great need for credentialed teachers. “I am here recruiting the talent that we need in our schools,” said Carvalho. There is an aid program for those who are interested in becoming certified educators, and this is what they should know. ... Read More
Daily Breeze: Attorney General Rob Bonta Delivers Keynote Speech to CSUDH Graduates
Source: Daily Breeze California Attorney General Rob Bonta urged the Cal State Dominguez class of 2023 to find a calling they love – and to fight injustice wherever they see it. Bonta, the state's 34th attorney general and the first person of Filipino descent to occupy the office, also congratulated the 730 graduates of CSUDH's College of Business Administration and Public Policy for overcoming myriad challenges and for advocating for societal change during a commencement address on Saturday afternoon, May 20. “No one pursuing a college degree expects it to be a walk in the park,” Bonta said, “but what each of you had to endure over the last few years,it was unprecedented.” The ... Read More
La Opinión: From Colombia to the Stars
Source: La Opinión (Spanish) Desde el barrio marginal de Las Cruces, en su natal Bogotá, Colombia, Jeisson Pulido solía mirar las estrellas con asombro y nunca imaginó que algún día estaría trabajando con la Agencia Espacial Europea (ESA), ayudando a examinar un componente que es parte de unsatélite de investigación de vanguardia. Jeisson Pulido Calderón, de 24 años, se graduó esta semana y obtuvo una licenciatura en física, en Cal State University Domínguez Hills (CSUDH) y se enfila hacia obtener un posgrado en astrofísica de alta energía en la Universidad del Sur de California (USC). “Quiero estudiar las estrellas supernovas usando la inteligencia artificial”, dice a La Opinión. ... Read More
Daily Breeze: CSUDH Kicks Off Graduation Ceremonies with Long Beach Mayor as 1st Keynote Speaker
Source: Daily Breeze Cal State Dominguez Hills kicked off two days of commencement ceremonies on Friday morning, May 19 – with an alum-turned-political leader serving as the keynote speaker. Long Beach Mayor Rex Richardson, who was elected to that post in November, addressed the colleges of Arts and Humanities, and Education on Friday, empowering the class of 2023 to work to change their communities for the better. The ceremony at which Richardson spoke was the first of six, with three taking place Friday and the final three set for Saturday. State Attorney General Rob Bonta is slated to address CSUDH's College of Business Administration and Public Policy during its ... Read More