The CSUDH Gerth Archives and Special Collections, noted for its preservation of Southern California histories and cultures, has had three major developments toward its mission of making materials more accessible to the public. The Archives is inviting the campus community and public to explore the newly completed Japanese American Digitization Project online, as well as the “Know Justice, Know Peace” exhibition currently on view in the University Library. In addition, the Archives recently received a $150,000 grant from the National Historical Publications and Records Commissions to catalog the L.A. Free Press collection. More information about each of these developments is ... Read More
CSUDH Campus News Center Archive
Apple: Community Education Initiative Catalyzes Learning in More Than 600 Communities
Source: Apple Newsroom Several weeks ago, California State University, Dominguez Hills (CSUDH) welcomed more than 300 elementary and middle school students from across Los Angeles to its Center for Innovation in STEM Education (CISE) lab for a “STEAM Max” experience. The event gave participants from all backgrounds the opportunity to learn new science and technology skills – including app design. That same week, the university kicked off after-school coding clubs at six elementary and middle schools, and began hosting a regular Saturday STEM Exploration Day where activities are coached by CSUDH computer science majors. CSUDH is part of Apple's Community Education Initiative (CEI), ... Read More
CSUDH Part of $1.8 Million National Science Foundation Grant
The National Science Foundation (NSF) has awarded funding to six institutions from the California State University (CSU) system, including CSUDH, to help transform the early curriculum experience of historically marginalized students in computing. The alliance brings together CSUDH, CSU Fullerton, CSU Los Angeles, Cal Poly Pomona, Cal Poly San Luis Obispo, and San Francisco State University, campuses which have identified that a disproportionate percentage of underrepresented minority students drop out of their computer science major in the first two years of study. The project's goal is for professors to show students through their initial coursework how the study of computer science can ... Read More
Retrospective Exhibition Highlights Career of CSUDH Art Professor Emerita
CSUDH Professor Emerita of Art Gilah Yelin Hirsch has been honored with a retrospective exhibit at the Orange County Center for Contemporary Art (OCCCA) in Santa Ana. Titled “The Archeology of Metaphor, the exhibit runs through Oct. 29 and features work from throughout her lengthy and varied career, from her earliest 1968 paintings to the present. Hirsch, who joined the art department faculty in 1973 and taught at CSUDH for almost 50 years, is considered one of the first feminist artists. She was a founding member and wrote the manifesto for the Los Angeles Council of Women Artists, one of the first women's art organizations. The statement protested the underrepresentation of women in ... Read More
Toros Attend FBI Diversity Recruitment Event
Emanuel Prince stood behind a throng of other college students and watched intently as two FBI agents behind a booth marked “Evidence Response Team” demonstrated how to test fabric for traces of blood. Prince, a senior sociology major and Presidential Scholar at CSUDH, was one of a couple hundred students from 11 CSU and UC campuses across Southern California who were invited to learn about potential career paths at the FBI. Agents, analysts, and support staff explained how their accounting majors, foreign language skills, and even their passion for undersea diving could be put to good use to protect the nation. The recruitment open house is part of a broad national initiative called ... Read More