Special Olympics World Games Los Angeles 2015 has announced that the City of Carson will serve as a “Host Town” for a delegation of athletes and coaches from another country, and that California State University, Dominguez Hills (CSUDH) will provide them housing accommodations leading up to the games, which take place in Los Angeles July 25 - Aug. 2, 2015. The announcement came during a press conference on Oct. 27 in the courtyard at CSUDH's Student Housing complex. The event included remarks from Bill Shumard, president and CEO of Special Olympics Southern California, CSUDH Provost and Vice President for Academic Affairs Ellen Junn, Carson Mayor James Dear, and World Games athlete and ... Read More
CSU Dominguez Hills Named Among Top Universities Granting Degrees to Minorities
California State University, Dominguez Hills is among the nation's top 100 universities granting undergraduate and graduate degrees to minority students, according to Diverse: Issues in Higher Education. In the magazine's “Top 100 Degree Producers” report published this month, CSU Dominguez Hills ranked 47th nationally in total number of bachelor's degrees and 88th in total number of master's degrees awarded to minority students during 2012-13, the academic year for which the magazine had data as reported to the U.S. Department of Education. The university also ranked in the Top 100 in several minority groups for bachelor's degrees awarded, including to Hispanics (35th), African ... Read More
‘Feria de Educación’ Attracts More Than 20,000 Latinos
With a box full of books precariously balanced on his shoulder, Jaime Torres checked out some of the displays on the main fairground during the sixth annual “Feria de Educación” Hispanic education fair at California State University, Dominguez Hills (CSUDH) on Oct. 11. The day before Torres, who lives in Palmdale, had heard about the fair while watching the news on Univision 34, KMEX. His son, Billy, attends the College of the Canyons in Valencia, so while his family was out of town, Torres decided to come and gather education information and books for his much younger children at the fair, and see if he could find used textbooks related to his son's major–social work–in the University ... Read More
CSUDH Staff Recognized for Years of Service, Exceptional Work
In celebration of their years of service and exceptional work, California State University, Dominguez Hills (CSUDH) recognized 94 staff members ranging from five to 45 years of service during the 2014 Staff Awards reception held in the Loker Student Union on Oct. 8. Each year staff members are honored for five-year service milestones at CSUDH. Three additional employees received awards for excellence. University President Willie J. Hagan noted the deeper meaning of lengthy service in higher education: “When we say someone in the audience has worked for five, 10, 15, 40, to 45 years, not only is that astounding–whether you've been working in financial aid, IT, facilities, ... Read More
CSU Dominguez Hills Awarded $12 Million from U.S. Department of Education to Educate STEM Teachers
California State University, Dominguez Hills (CSUDH) has been awarded a $12.45 million grant by the U.S. Department of Education (DOE) to train highly qualified secondary math and science teachers and help improve student achievement in the Los Angeles Unified School District (LAUSD). The grant– the largest awarded nationwide under the DOE's Teacher Quality Partnerships grant competition–will allow CSUDH to implement its proposed STEM Teachers in Advanced Residency (STAR) program. STAR is a blended 15-month credential and master's program designed for individuals with a strong foundation in science, technology, engineering and mathematics (STEM). The program will integrate theory and ... Read More