Providing an overview of the 2012-13 budget in light of the passing of Proposition 30 in November, California State University, Dominguez Hills Interim President Willie Hagan, along with Mary Ann Rodriguez, vice president for administration and finance, addressed members of the campus community during the second in a series of campus town hall meetings in Loker Student Union Ballroom on Dec. 4. With the passage of Proposition 30, the university's budget will avoid a mid-year baseline cut of $5.8 million, Hagan said; however that passage did come at a cost, he added. The university incurred a one-time $3 million reduction resulting in part from the 9 percent tuition rollback. The state has ... Read More
With Passage of Proposition 30, CSU to Roll Back Tuition
News Release from the CSU Office of the Chancellor The California State University will avoid a $250 million mid-year budget cut after voters' approval of Proposition 30, and will start the process of rescinding the $249 per semester tuition fee increase already in place. With the passage of Proposition 30, CSU's budget will essentially remain flat for the remainder of this fiscal year, but state funding is still approximately $1 billion less than several years ago. The CSU Board of Trustees had previously approved a contingency plan to rescind a $249 per semester tuition fee increase that took effect for the fall 2012 term. Annual tuition fees for full-time undergraduate students will ... Read More
Carson Community Welcomes University Interim President
Carson Mayor Jim Dear officially welcomed California State University, Dominguez Hills Interim President Willie Hagan to the community during a festive event at the City of Carson Community Center on Oct. 30 that included performances by the university's jazz ensemble, a media arts student who sang the national anthem, and dance and cheerleader teams. “We're welcoming to our community an outstanding gentleman with great qualifications to lead a great university in a great city,” Dear said before he and City Councilmembers Mike Gibson, Elito Santarina, and Julie Ruiz-Raber presented Hagan with a welcoming proclamation. “Thank you for honoring me. … I'm really humbled that an event was ... Read More
Town Hall Meeting Provides Insight to Budget Process
During the first in series of the town hall meetings Interim University President Willie Hagan, along with Mary Ann Rodriguez, vice president for administration and finance, shared an overview of the university's fiscal operations with more than 200 faculty, staff and students in the Loker Student Union Ballroom, on Oct. 15. Laying the groundwork for future town hall meetings, Hagan and Rodriquez said they plans to engage faculty, staff and students, such as through town halls, so they are a part of the budget decision-making process and that through strategic departmental assessments money can be shifted to maximize their use. While there simply aren't enough funds to accomplish ... Read More
Fourth Annual Es El Momento: Feria de Educación Draws Thousands
California State University, Dominguez Hills welcomed to campus approximately 38,000 visitors who attended the 2012 Es El Momento: Feria de Educacíon (The Moment is Now: Education Fair) on Saturday, Oct. 13. For the fourth year, CSU Dominguez Hills partnered with Univision Los Angeles stations KMEX and KFTR 46 to present the free Feria de Educacíon, which provided an opportunity for students and parents to receive valuable information on how to successfully navigate their children through the educational system. The day also included live entertainment, vendor booths, and a town hall on anti-bullying moderated by Univision Network news anchor María Elena Salinas. At a ribbon ... Read More