Described by the judges as a “well-designed and executed integrated marketing campaign to engage alumni,” California State University, Dominguez Hills' (CSUDH) “I'm a Toro” banner campaign took bronze during the virtual Council for Advancement and Support of Education's (CASE) 2021 District VII Awards of Excellence ceremony on Feb. 5. Entered in the “Alumni Relations: Targeted Constituency Engagement” category, the “I'm a Toro” campaign decorated the campus walkways with striking banners showcasing many of the university's most successful alumni. Installed in 2016, the original banners featured large-scale photos of alumni combined with such bold statements as “I see beyond our world,” ... Read More
It’s an Emotional Win-Win for Alumna Brittany Esnayra
Brittany Esnayra is often approached by her “kids” when she is out in the community. Some are now in their mid-20s, and they recall fond memories of Paramount High School Senior Campus, and many share their gratitude at having had her as a teacher for their English Language Arts (ELA) class. The California State University, Dominguez Hills (CSUDH) alumna has been teaching at the school for over a decade now. For the past four years, she has worked in tandem with her co-teacher Jennifer Salido, a unique relationship that she says is more like a “workplace marriage.” “My co-teacher says that she's the tough one, and I'm more of the loving type. I let the kiddos know I'm really friendly, ... Read More
Alumna Rhiannon Chavez Named LAUSD Teacher of the Year
Hearing “Mrs. Chavez, we miss you!” from her 4th grade class encouraged Rhiannon Chavez to set up a weekly summer Zoom call to check in with her students. Some have shared their Lego creations, while others just talk about their day. One asked “Can we do this every day?” and she thought, “Wait, this is my summer vacation, too.” Summer had been a welcome break for teachers in the Los Angeles Unified School District (LAUSD). Like her colleagues, Chavez has had to adjust to online teaching methods during the pandemic, and her role at Gardena's 186th Street Elementary School as teacher of the English Learning Development (ELD) class presented unique challenges. Fortunately, the California ... Read More
Alumni Offer New Student Orientation Tips and Advice
In a typical year, CSUDH's New Student Convocation is a chance for the university to welcome and greet its new freshmen and transfer students. At the convocation, new Toros begin to acclimate themselves to the campus, meet fellow students and faculty members, and generally get acquainted with what college life is all about. As we all know, though, 2020 has not been a typical year. Due to the COVID-19 pandemic, this year's convocation took place virtually, as has almost all instruction and campus business since the lockdowns began in March. Faced with our current virtual reality, the CSUDH Alumni Association decided to use the unique situation to do something a little different to help new ... Read More
Toros and Friends Craft Masks to Protect Students and Health Care Professionals
Grabbing from a stack of material leftover from quilting projects, Cheryl McKnight slides strips of 100 percent cotton into her “workhorse” sewing machine, stitching them into face masks for the Rosecrans Care Center in Gardena. McKnight is the director of the Center for Service Learning, Internships and Civic Engagement (SLICE) at California State University, Dominguez Hills (CSUDH). She began making masks in March after SLICE Coordinator Miami Gelvizon-Gatpandan told her that the staff at the care center where her sister works as an LVN and infection preventionist had run out of face coverings to protect patients and themselves from COVID-19. “I got online and found a pattern and ... Read More