In a famous quote it is said that in life “10 percent is what happens to you, and 90 percent is how you respond to it.” When it comes to California State University, Dominguez Hills (CSUDH) alumna Chardae Jenkins (Class of '13, B.A., communications) who follows this belief, one gets the impression that in terms of living a rich and rewarding life–no matter how it's broken down–she has always been all in. “I have shiny ball syndrome. When I'm not busy I'm going to get into something. I'm like, 'I want this opportunity, I want that one,' but now that I have a steady job, I have something I love doing very much to focus on,” said the 24-year-old who grew up in San Diego and ... Read More
Move-In Day: Freshmen Settle in to New Home at CSUDH
Two-hundred forty eight (248) first-time freshmen now call California State University, Dominguez Hills home. Arms loaded with paper towels, sheets and comforters, pots and pans, and other living essentials (read TVs), family and friends helped the young students get settled into their new apartments during Freshman Move-in Day on Monday, Aug. 18. It was welcome help, but for individuals like new roommates Deja Maduro and Leandra Reye, the prospect of being more independent was what they said they were most looking forward to about living on campus. These freshmen won't be completely on their own however. They'll be surrounded by a community of nearly 500 continuing and transfer ... Read More
Campus Hosts California Legislative Black Caucus’ African American Leaders for Tomorrow
For the second year, California State University, Dominguez Hills hosted the California Legislative Black Caucus's annual African American Leaders for Tomorrow leadership and college preparedness conference on campus. Sixty African American high school students from throughout the state were selected to participate in the program that aims to cultivate the next generation of African Americans to become leaders in their communities and the state. From July 23-26, the sophomores, juniors, and seniors met with state leaders and educators who introduced them to important community, government, business, and education issues. They also took part in workshops and discussions led by CSU ... Read More
Women’s Business Conference Inspires, Informs and Connects Entrepreneurs
Nearly 2,000 women (and several men) who either are small business owners or are considering becoming one filled the Loker Student Union at California State University, Dominguez Hills for the 2014 Connecting Women to Power Business Conference on June 20. The capacity crowd was on hand to gain invaluable tips on a variety of topics facing small business owners, including how to build a feasible budget, business promotion and marketing, winning government contracts, and how venture capital could help spur growth. The event's panels focused on issues specific to female business owners who seek mentorship, advice and practical knowledge, with featured exhibitors offering free business ... Read More
Fulbright Student Program Offers Experience of a Lifetime
“This experience may take you out of your comfort zone, but it will definitely change you and shape you for the better.” With that, Fulbright alumni ambassador Rebecca Littman-Smith inspired a classroom full of students at California State University, Dominguez Hills who are interested in applying for the prestigious Fulbright U.S. student program. During a presentation held on June 19 on campus, Littman-Smith offered tips, advice and information on the Fulbright U.S. Student grant program that is designed to send American students to a foreign country for one academic year to work on a study/research project or teach through the English Teaching Assistant (ETA) program. The highly ... Read More