In addition to their classroom assignments and myriad other commitments many students at California State University, Dominguez Hills are also intellectually and creatively engaged scholars who have taken to sharing their research and creative projects by contributing to scholarly publications. The English department's literary journal, Enjambed, the Electronic Student Journal of Anthropology (ESJOA), the Chicana and Chicano studies e-newsletter Adelante, and the Electronic Journal of Negotiation, Conflict Resolution and Peacebuilding (NCRP) feature student work, and to some degree or another are edited by students. Enjambed editor Raul Martinez, who is finishing his thesis for a ... Read More
Jerry Moore: Authoring an Anthropological Look of Home
The concept of home has deep meaning for most people. It may go even deeper for Jerry Moore, professor of anthropology at California State University, Dominguez Hills. During his career as an anthropological archaeologist, he's been - as he calls it - “digging into people's home for 30 years,” searching for clues that help to unravel a fundamental question, what does it mean to be human? And, he has written about it in “The Prehistory of Home” (University of California Press, Berkeley, 2012). “The human experience is such a vast topic, but breaking it down makes it digestible. Focusing on home was a good choice [for the book], because most anyone can relate to having a home or being ... Read More
Anthropology Professor Receives NOAA Sea Grant Funding to Study Value-Added Market Approaches to California Fisheries
Fishermen are not unlike other small business owners experiencing hardships in today's tough economic climate. How to help them develop new strategies that are socially, economically and environmentally sustainable will be the focus of a new research project being led by California State University, Dominguez Hills assistant professor of anthropology Ana Pitchon Funded by the California Sea Grant and University of Southern California Sea Grant programs as part of a $1 million coastal social science research initiative, the project is one of two selected from a competitive, peer-reviewed grant process. “These projects are part of our commitment to innovation using science–and that ... Read More
Anthropology Department Produces 3rd Cambodian Arts and Culture Exhibition
In collaboration with Cambodia Town, Inc., the Anthropology Department at California State University, Dominguez Hills presents the 3rd Cambodian Arts and Culture Exhibition on Saturday, Nov. 19 at MacArthur Park in Long Beach. The event, which showcases the art, language, and traditions of the largest Cambodian community outside of Cambodia, has provided an invaluable experience for students, who not only learn about ethnographic methods but also how to produce an exhibition about Cambodian culture. Chair of anthropology Susan Needham is co-director of the Cambodian Community History and Archive Project with Karen Quintiliani of CSU Long Beach. For more than 20 years, they have each ... Read More
Juan Ramirez: U.S. Fish and Wildlife Intern Gains On-the-Job Experience
As an anthropology major at California State University, Dominguez Hills, Juan Ramirez has learned the value of understanding beliefs that in one culture may be the norm but to another may seem strange. However, through his internship with the U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service as a wildlife inspector trainee who patrols the Los Angeles and Long Beach ports, he has had to acknowledge when the law is broken by the trade of products made with endangered animals - products that are often based on cultural superstition or practice. “When I started as a criminal justice student, it was black and white,” he says. “The law dictates what's wrong. Then when I got into anthropology, I realized ... Read More