Our faculty members participate in conferences around the world, conduct groundbreaking research, and publish books and journal papers that contribute to their field and highlight their expertise. We feature those accomplishments and more in this section. To share faculty news, email lmckibbin@csudh.edu. College of Arts & Humanities College of Business Administration & Public Policy Associate Professor of Criminal Justice Administration Sarah Britto, Professor of Public Administration Rui Sun, and Professor of Information Systems Xuefei (Nancy) Deng co-authored "Resilience of Public Administration Students During the Pandemic: The Impacts of Coping ... Read More
College of Business Administration and Public Policy
Despite Uncertainties, Growth Predicted for South Bay at Economic Forecast
Even as the current political climate makes markets nervous, the South Bay region of Los Angeles is well poised for the next decade. The 2024 South Bay Economic Forecast predicted a bright near-term future for the region, namely due to its skilled workforce and cutting-edge companies. Hundreds of industry and government leaders attended the Oct. 24 event at CSUDH, which also marked the forecast's 10th anniversary. Moderated by Frank Mottek of 790 KABC’s Mottek on Money radio show, the event began with CSUDH’s South Bay Economic Institute discussing their 2024 South Bay Economic Forecast and Industry Outlook, a report which explores economic sectors including real ... Read More
Professor Prakash Dheeriya Shares Tips for Financial Literacy
In recognition of April being National Financial Literacy Month, CSUDH Professor of Finance Prakash Dheeriya discusses some of the basic ways that young adults can learn how to manage their money and set realistic goals for themselves. Dheeriya’s expertise is in personal finance and how to make wise decisions as a consumer, investor, or borrower. What does it mean for a young adult to be financially literate? To be financially literate implies that you are not prone to be victims of common financial fraud. It also means that you are able to earn more income without really working at a second job. In other words, you are savvy enough to invest wisely and earn more income ... Read More
Economic Forecast Touts Strength of the South Bay
The South Bay has proven remarkably resilient in the face of recent economic challenges and uncertainties, and is well poised to weather future changes. That optimistic message was woven throughout CSUDH’s ninth annual South Bay Economic Forecast on Oct. 26, where more than 300 industry leaders gathered to listen to CSUDH and business experts discuss the region’s economic trends. Moderated by Frank Mottek of 790 KABC’s Mottek on Money radio show, the event began with CSUDH’s South Bay Economic Institute discussing their 2023 South Bay Economic Forecast and Industry Outlook, a report which delves into sectors of the economy ranging from real estate to entrepreneurship, manufacturing, the ... Read More
KABC 790: Mottek on Money Interview with CSUDH Economics Institute
Source: KABC 790 On the day of the 2023 South Bay Economic Forecast, Frank Mottek broadcast his program from CSUDH and interviewed the South Bay Economics Institute (from 26:34). Listen to the broadcast below: ... Read More