Salim Faraji, assistant professor of Africana studies at California State University, Dominguez Hills, attended the 12th Annual International Conference for Nubian Studies in August at the British Museum and presented his findings on “Africana Nubiology: Examining Classical Sudanese Traditions in West Africa.” “Ancient Sudanic civilization extended as far as West Africa,” says Faraji. “You can still see some of these cultural traditions in West Africa today. One is the building of sacred mounds on the palaces of royalty. I've seen these mounds in northern Ghana and other traditions that I can pinpoint as emerging in both ancient Nubia and West Africa.” As one of only two ... Read More
Jennifer Bleidistel: Easter Seals Ambassador Teaches Children in Infant Toddler Center
Jennifer Bleidistel works at the Infant Toddler Center at California State University, Dominguez Hills as a teacher assistant. Like the other staff members, she takes care of the children there, many of whom have disabilities like autism or Down syndrome. For the last ten years, she has read to them, fed them breakfast and lunch, and tended to their basic needs during the day. But unlike most the other teachers and assistants, she shares something in common with many of her young charges - she too has a disability. Bleidistel, who was born with Down syndrome, found the job at the Infant Toddler Center through Easter Seals Southern California's Supported Employment Program. On Oct. 9, ... Read More
“Songs for the Second Half”: One-Act Musical Reveals Humor and Coping in the Golden Years
Many of the retired or semi-retired members of the Osher Lifelong Learning Institute (OLLI) at California State University, Dominguez Hills will undoubtedly see themselves reflected in “Songs for the Second Half,” by Barry Bortnick. A performance of the one-act musical will take place on Oct. 10 in the Recital Hall, Rm. A-103, in La Corte Hall. “'Songs for the Second Half' deals with themes that OLLI members will find familiar, especially as they look at retirement, other transitions in their lives and the goals they want to set for the 'second half,'” says Jim Bouchard, coordinator of OLLI at CSUDH. “The musical has a very positive message about being productive and happy in the second ... Read More
Susan Needham: Partnership with CSU Long Beach Continues With Cambodian History Project
For the last two years, students at California State University, Dominguez Hills and CSU Long Beach have been participating in a unique opportunity to gain field work experience through community-based service learning and hands-on research. The institutions, who signed a memo of understanding in 2008, have been creating the Cambodian Community History and Archive Project (CamCHAP). The project is directed by Susan Needham, professor and chair of anthropology at CSU Dominguez Hills, and Karen Quintiliani, assistant professor of anthropology at CSU Long Beach, with support from the Historical Society of Long Beach (HSLB), which has provided space in their offices for the physical archive and ... Read More
Chicana/Chicano Studies Department’s 40th Anniversary Recognized by City of Carson
In 1970, an interdisciplinary program called Mexican American studies was offered at California State University, Dominguez Hills. In 1994, it was designated as a stand-alone program and the Chicana/Chicano studies department was established. On Sept. 1, Irene Vasquez, chair and professor of Chicana/Chicano studies was recognized with her students at a meeting of the Carson City Council in celebration of the 40th anniversary of the discipline at CSU Dominguez Hills and in conjunction with Hispanic Heritage Month. Vasquez, who arrived at the university in 2005, said that she was attracted to teaching Chicana/Chicano studies at CSU Dominguez Hills because of the student demographics and ... Read More