Source: VideoMediterraneo (video, Italian) Italian television news filmed a group of Toro students and professors touring Italy as part of a study abroad summer experience. Associate Professor of Psychology Giacomo Bono is interviewed during the segment, which took place in Catania, Sicily. ... Read More
CSUDH Launches First Doctoral Program
Seventeen students embarked this summer term on an academic journey that no other Toro has yet made. They represent the inaugural student cohort of CSUDH's Occupational Therapy Doctoral (OTD) program–the first doctoral program offered in the university's more than 60-year history. President Thomas A. Parham welcomed the students during an orientation event on May 15 at the Loker Student Union ballroom and applauded their decision to break new ground for generations of students to follow. “Go into your studies knowing that what you're doing is significant and worthwhile and makes an enormous difference. Go into it knowing that your institution could not be prouder of you,” Parham said. ... Read More
Commencement 2023 Highlights Perseverance
More than 3,300 proud Toros walked the stage at Commencement 2023 in Dignity Sports Park Tennis Stadium, supported by the joyous cheers of family, friends, and fellow students. Six ceremonies held on May 19-20 honored the commitment and persistence displayed by the Class of 2023, which ended one journey with a flip of the tassel and now begins another. In his opening remarks, President Thomas A. Parham celebrated the individual achievements of this year's graduates and reminded them that their journey was only just beginning. "Every year, as we bear witness to the hard work, perseverance, and achievements of our students, we are reminded why education is the great societal equalizer and ... Read More
Cultural Grad Events Celebrate the Journey
Malcolm X called education “our passport to the future” in his speech at the founding forum for the Organization of Afro-American Unity in 1964. He linked it to the struggle for human rights, the discovery and celebration of cultural identity, and the development of greater self-respect. In his view, education provided an essential conduit for progress, a roadmap for continuous travel and not just a destination. It was in this spirit that CSUDH's cultural and affinity organizations gathered this month ahead of formal Commencement on May 19 and 20 for a series of smaller, culturally focused graduation celebrations. “It's important to celebrate the accomplishments of our graduates in a ... Read More
In the Margins Podcast: Fundamental Lessons for Black Faculty and Student Success
Source: In the Margins (Diverse: Issues in Higher Education) Dr. Thomas A. Parham, president of CSUDH, shares what he believes are the fundamental ingredients for success for Black faculty and students in the 114th episode of In the Margins. In this episode, Diverse host David Pluviose welcomes Parham, who speaks to his own journey to university president and the implicit bias he has encountered in higher education. Be sure not to miss this conversation on what Parham calls the stones of stagnation and rocks of resignation that keep higher education from being the diverse, inclusive, and socially minded institutions they say they want to be, and hear how he plans to close the gap ... Read More