In honor of Veterans Day, the Veterans Alliance, a student support group for veteran students at California State University, Dominguez Hills, will screen the documentary “Striking a Chord” on Wednesday, Nov. 10, from 1 to 3 p.m. in the Loker Student Union. Erika Valdez, military advisor, says that the film is powerful despite its brevity. “It's only 40 minutes long but very educational, especially for those of us who did not serve in the military,” she says. “It's a real eye-opener about the struggles that our soldiers face while serving our country and how music helps them deal with those issues, especially being away from family for prolonged periods of time and missing out on ... Read More
Political Science
CSU Dominguez Hills Honors Filipino-American Leaders
A reception honoring Chief Justice nominee Tani Cantil- Sakauye and former acting Lt. Gov. Mona Pasquil, the first Filipinas to serve in two of the highest offices in California government, took place on Oct. 23 in the South Wing of the University Library at California State University, Dominguez Hills. The event, which was sponsored by the office of Assemblyman Warren Furutani (D-55th Dist.) was held in honor of October's designation as Filipino History Month. Mitch Maki, acting associate vice president, Academic Programs, welcomed guests and underscored the significance of Cantil-Sakauye and Pasquil's stories among the university's population of first-generation college ... Read More
Students Present Research on Voter Propositions to OLLI Community
As voters across the nation prepare to cast their ballots tomorrow, they are turning to a variety of sources to do their research. Members of the Osher Lifelong Learning Institute (OLLI) at California State University, Dominguez Hills were able to look to the next generation when students from Dr. Annie Wilson's State and Local Government class presented their research last week on Propositions 19, 20, 21, 22, 23, and 25. Pamela Prieto, a senior majoring in philosophy and political science, says this year's issues are focused on remedies to the state's lagging economy as well as the preservation of the natural environment for future generations. “In tough economic times, more ... Read More
Henry Cisneros Discusses Leadership Essentials for the Next Generation
Dr. Henry Cisneros, former United States Housing and Urban Development (HUD) secretary and executive chairman of CityView, delivered the inaugural lecture of the Presidential Lecture Series presented by Dr. Mildred García at California State University, Dominguez Hills on Sept. 30. This was Dr. Cisneros' second visit to the university; last May he received an honorary doctorate and served as keynote speaker during the commencement ceremony for the College of Business Administration and Public Policy. Distinguished guests included Mr. Henry Mendoza, CSU trustee; Dr. Yolanda Moses, professor of anthropology and associate vice chancellor of diversity, excellence and equity at UC Riverside ... Read More
Jung Sun Park: Professor of Asian Pacific Studies Serving Fellowship in Korea
Jung Sun Park is serving a fellowship at the Academy of Korean Studies in South Korea, conducting research on issues of South Korean social and cultural citizenship. As a complement to her previous research on legal citizenship in Korea, the professor of Asian Pacific studies, is currently working on the social and cultural dimensions of citizenship, which complements her previous research on the legal citizenship of foreign-born Koreans in Korea. Park gave a lecture on her experiences on a Navajo reservation in Shiprock, N.M. at Yonsei University last June. She also delivered lectures in July at the Academy of Korean Studies on the Korean “wave” in pop culture throughout East Asia, and a ... Read More