Thousands of high school students throughout California have been able to earn college credit prior to graduation–saving them money and reducing their time to a college degree– through the California State University, Dominguez Hills Young Scholars Program, which turns 20 in 2014. To mark the anniversary and showcase the program, Center for Mediated Instruction and Distance Learning staff producer Mario Congreve and instructional designer Calvin Ko made a video of how the Young Scholars Program has benefited students at Monache High School in Porterville, Calif., for more than 10 years. The Young Scholars Program is part of the CSU Chancellor's Office fee waiver initiative, which ... Read More
Alumni Take on Role of Professor for a Day during Inaugural Event
Fifteen alumni and two friends of California State University, Dominguez Hills returned to campus to take on the role of professor during the university's inaugural Professor for a Day on Nov. 20 and 21. “As leaders in their respective fields, our alumni brought a wealth of professional knowledge and career advice to the classroom. This program allowed students to engage in candid conversations with professionals about real life experiences in careers,” said Gayle Ball-Parker, director of Alumni and Family Programs, who organized the event. During their lectures and presentations, the honorary professors shared details of their success since graduating, lessons learned, and how ... Read More
High-Tech CBAPP Financial Market Trading Lab Opens
Wall-to-wall continuously scrolling ticker tapes reporting real-time stock and financial activity. Over-sized monitors displaying up-to-the-moment financial news. The latest financial management software. These are some of the tools used by professional financial wizards, and now by business students at California State University, Dominguez Hills. On Nov. 20 the College of Business Administration and Public Policy (CBAPP) officially opened its new Financial Market Trading and Business Simulation Lab with a ribbon cutting ceremony. CBAPP Dean Joseph Wen thanked university faculty, staff, students, alumni, and business partners for their contributions, which made this “dream come ... Read More
CSUDH Hosts First U.S. Department of Education Hearing on College Affordability
In partnership with the California State University Office of the Chancellor, California State University, Dominguez Hills hosted the first in a series of United States Department of Education (DOE) public hearings on President Barack Obama's College Affordability Initiative on Nov. 6. The university was one of four higher education institutions in the U.S. selected to host this hearing, which sought feedback from the public on the various components of the president's higher education plan, including how to develop and implement the new college ratings system. “I believe that this campus is an appropriate venue for such a hearing, given our long history of access, affordability, and ... Read More
Michele Bury: Drawing on Experience to Inspire Design Students
Graphic design constantly and creatively innovates, adapts, evolves, and progresses. So, too, does Michele Bury, past chair and professor of art and design at California State University, Dominguez Hills. And the beauty of it is her influence can be seen in the works created by the university's art and design students. Traditionally, the works of students are displayed during the Annual Student Art and Design Exhibitions held in the University Art Gallery. Drawing on her early career experience working internationally as a graphic designer–in Paris she designed for clients including the Chateau de Versailles Museum and for one of London's top agencies, Roundel Design Group–the Berkeley ... Read More