Toting teetering boxes, balancing arms full of bags, lugging stuffed suitcases, and pushing carts provided by University Housing, about 215 incoming freshmen–many assisted by parents and family members–settled into their on-campus digs at California State University, Dominguez Hills during Freshman Move-in Day. Undoubtedly, for many of the newly independent, it will be their first extended time away from home, bringing about a mix of emotions. “It feels pretty intimidating, but good. I haven't been away from home for long [periods of] time, so I'm a little nervous, but excited,” said Juana Arredando Salazar of Pomona, who got moving help from her father, Ramon, mom Elia, and even her ... Read More
CSU College Fair: A Super Saturday for Families to Explore College
Azario Cush, a sixth grader at Wilmington Middle School, already has his sights set on college; he wants to study culinary arts. Brenda Galvan, a 10th grader at Synergy Quantum Academy Charter High School in Los Angeles, is trying to decide what area of engineering she'd like to specialize in when she gets to college. Joseph Gardner, a senior at Eleanor Roosevelt High School in Riverside, wants to major in cinematography. Whether these students stick with these pursuits over the next several years remains to be seen; however, one thing is for sure, they have a better shot at success because they are preparing for college now. On August 17, they were among nearly 3,000 visitors who got an ... Read More
CSUDH Hosts Hundreds for Common Core Education Standards Training
Nearly 1,400 educators from Los Angeles Unified School District and Los Angeles public charter schools went back to the classroom at California State University, Dominguez Hills, this time as pupils, as it were, of the Launch LA: Common Core conference, where they had the opportunity to prepare for the implementation of the new national Common Core State Standards (CCSS) of what students are expected to learn. An equal number of teachers were on the waiting list to attend the Aug. 24 conference, which was organized by Teach Plus, a national nonprofit focused on improving educational access and outcomes for all students, and sponsored in partnership with LAUSD and CSU Dominguez Hills. ... Read More
Math Major Laura Ramirez Turns Challenge into Achievement
Some people just love a good challenge. But how about one that started in kindergarten and continued on through high school and college? That's exactly what Laura Ramirez has taken on. The junior majoring in mathematics at California State University, Dominguez Hills has struggled with math her entire academic life; and the difficulty it presents to her is precisely what she loves about it. “I struggled a lot in math, but I like that,” said Ramirez, who hopes to teach algebra in a high school located in an underserved community, such as the South Los Angeles neighborhood she grew up in. “It makes me feel like if I struggle, then I can help students when I teach, to see how they ... Read More
Making the Grade: Teacher Candidates Learn With Their Students in Summer Lab School
“It's alive!” a child's voice could be heard over the chatting and laughing of students excited with the soggy, messy task of turning old notebook pages and newspapers into usable paper. Over the din, Sasha Magidi ('13, B.A. liberal studies: math) kept them focused. “Double-timing with the sponges, triple time, and then every time the water starts coming out of the sponges you have to drain it,” she instructed and encouraged. In another room, teens were on their feet learning what looked to be dance moves. At the head of the class, Mario Romero had the class demonstrate positive, negative, zero and undefined graph slopes using arm movements. He then set them to work finding the slope ... Read More