One in four American adults experience a mental health disorder in a given year, according to the National Alliance on Mental Illness (NAMI), and those from racial or ethnic minority backgrounds are less likely to have access to mental health services and quality care. To address these and other related issues, experts in the field will share some of their insights with an expected audience of more than 200 students, faculty, and guests during the Third Annual Latino Mental Health Conference at California State University, Dominguez Hills, on Friday, April 26, from 9 a.m. to 2:30 p.m., in the Loker Student Union ballroom. “I hope that this conference breaks down a number of barriers, ... Read More
CSU Dominguez Hills Welcomes CSU Chancellor Timothy White
The California State University's new chancellor, Timothy P. White, won't be in disguise like he was on “Undercover Boss” when he visits CSU Dominguez Hills on Tuesday, April 23 as part of a CSU campus tour. White became the seventh chancellor of the largest four-year public university system in the country in December 2012 and soon announced his intention to tour all 23 of CSU's campuses to familiarize himself with the uniqueness of each campus and gain a deeper sense of the entire system, its strengths and its needs. So far he has visited campuses in the Bay area and central California. Tuesday will be his first tour of a campus in the Los Angeles-Orange County region. During his ... Read More
University Retrofit Project Sheds Light on Energy Savings
“Turn off the light!” Those who remember their parents calling out the admonition–and possibly their own respondent groan–likely know it was dispensed in an effort to save money when a room was unoccupied. In today's strained economy, this frugal habit now reaches beyond the home–and comes with the added imperative of reducing environmental impact. To that end, central plant and energy manager Kenny Seeton is leading a cost- and energy-saving lighting retrofit project at California State University, Dominguez Hills. Anyone who has walked the corridors of Welch Hall since December–when a contract crew completed installation of 244 smart sensors in the hallways–will have noticed ... Read More
Fifth Annual Labor, Social & Environmental Justice Fair Set for April 25
The California State University, Dominguez Hills Labor Studies Program and Labor Studies Club presents the Fifth Annual Labor, Social and Environmental Justice Fair on Thursday, April 25, from 9 a.m. to 4 p.m. on the East Walkway of the Loker Student Union. The fair - with the theme, “Plant the Seeds of Change”- is free and open to the public. “Anyone who is interested in becoming involved in labor, social justice and/or environmental work, or simply wants to learn about current issues is invited to attend the fair,” said Vivian Price, Ph.D., Labor Studies Program coordinator and advisor for the fair. The daylong fair is designed to connect students and members of the community with ... Read More
Loker Student Union’s Carole Desgroppes Honored by International Association
For contributions made to promote diversity among professionals in the field of student union management, the Association of College Unions International (ACUI) has honored Carole Desgroppes, manager of programs, marketing and assessments for the Loker Student Union (LSU) at California State University, Dominguez Hills, with the Revis A. Cox Memorial Scholarship Award. The award was presented during the ACUI annual conference held in St. Louis in March. Desgroppes, a native of France, has revised the ACUI's Community of Practice (COMP) website with pertinent information related to multiculturalism to help students and professionals in the field, facilitated a webinar on issues of ... Read More