Sunday turned out to be a perfect day for a run, a bike ride, or a swim–or for those competing in the TRI-CARSON reverse sprint triathlon on campus, all three. Nearly 400 people registered for the third annual event organized by LBTri, the City of Carson and CSU Dominguez Hills and presented by Kaiser Permanente. In addition to the main race, Tri-CARSON also included a kid's triathlon and a Train 4 Autism 5K. The youngest participate in the kid's tri was 6, while the oldest in the adult tri was 90. “Tri-CARSON is a great collaborative program that enhances our university's image as a well-rounded university with so much to offer the community,” said David Gamboa, director of ... Read More
Election Forum Shows Political Divide
About 300 students and community members got a lean-forward-in-your seat night of lively discussion that at times got contentious and offered a lesson in the country's political divide and the passions politics can generate during the 2012 Election Forum hosted by City of Carson Councilmember Mike Gipson at California State University, Dominguez Hills on Oct. 25. Appearing on the University Theatre stage separately, candidates for the 44th congressional seat in the U.S. House of Representatives, current Congresswoman Laura Richardson (D-37) and Congresswoman Janice Hahn (D-36) made their plea to be elected for a district that has been redrawn to cover San Pedro, Carson, Compton, ... Read More
Town Hall Meeting Provides Insight to Budget Process
During the first in series of the town hall meetings Interim University President Willie Hagan, along with Mary Ann Rodriguez, vice president for administration and finance, shared an overview of the university's fiscal operations with more than 200 faculty, staff and students in the Loker Student Union Ballroom, on Oct. 15. Laying the groundwork for future town hall meetings, Hagan and Rodriquez said they plans to engage faculty, staff and students, such as through town halls, so they are a part of the budget decision-making process and that through strategic departmental assessments money can be shifted to maximize their use. While there simply aren't enough funds to accomplish ... Read More
University Hosts Third Annual Pan African Global Trade and Investment Conference
International business leaders from several African nations along with faculty experts from California State University, Dominguez Hills and other institutions met during the third annual Pan African Global Trade and Investment Conference held at the university on Oct. 18 and 19. The conference was designed to establish a U.S.-based public/private coalition that serves to develop and implement policies and strategies for bilateral economic development between the U.S., the African continent, and the African Diaspora. Munashe Furusa, executive director of the California African American Political and Economic Institute (CAAPEI) and acting dean of the College of Arts and Humanities at CSU ... Read More
University’s Effort to Accelerate Latino Student Success Receives National Attention
The Encounter To Excellence (ETE) Program, or Encuentro Hacia El Exito, at California State University, Dominguez Hills was recognized for its work to accelerate Latino student success in higher education and–out of nearly 200 nationwide submissions from associate, baccalaureate, and graduate programs–was selected as a finalist for the 2012 Examples of ¡Excelencia! at the baccalaureate level by Excelencia in Education. “We were among the 16 that were recognized as clear examples in Excelencia,” said William Franklin, associate vice president of Enrollment Management and Student Affairs, and ETE program director. On behalf of CSU Dominguez Hills, Franklin, along with Paz Oliverez, ... Read More