Six students from the California State University, Dominguez Hills Division of Health Sciences clinical science program have been awarded scholarships for 2011-2012 by the American Society for Clinical Pathology (ASCP), a professional organization in the field, in partnership with sponsor Siemens Healthcare Diagnostics. Christy Chung, Alex Funk, Marianela Hechavarria, Haixia Huang, and Lissette Renteria were each awarded a $1,000 Siemens-ASCP Scholarship, and Annie Tran was awarded a $2,000 Siemens Legacy Scholarship. This year, the ASCP awarded a total of $125,000 in scholarships, ranging in amounts from $500 to $2,000, to a select group of students nationwide. The scholarships are ... Read More
Recruitment Campaign, Campus News Web Site Recognized As Tops
In 2010, the Division of Enrollment Management and Student Affairs (EMSA) launched a marketing campaign to increase enrollment and enhance the visibility and credibility of California State University, Dominguez Hills as a school of choice in the South Bay communities it serves. That campaign and its look has evolved and expanded into all outreach materials and institution-wide branding programs that are instantly identifiable as the university's look and message. And now they are award winning. CSU Dominguez Hills was among 12 other CSU campuses and the CSU Chancellor's Office to receive CASE (Council for Advancement and Support of Education) District VII Awards of Excellence for ... Read More
Africana Studies – Nurturing Students to Achievement
Faculty members in the Department of Africana Studies at California State University, Dominguez Hills take to heart –and to task–the department's motto, “A place where scholars, thinkers and leaders are nurtured.” Availing themselves to students beyond the classroom, they become more than academic advisors, they become mentors. In part, because of this deep support they receive, students are able to achieve academic success and set their sights high–for some, well beyond an undergraduate degree. Seeing students excel is a big part of what drives Maurice Keith Claybrook Jr., adjunct professor of Africana studies who serves as a faculty advisor for students in the program as well as the ... Read More
Hispanic Literature Symposium Brings International Scholars to CSU Dominguez Hills
Editor's Note: This article from March 5 has been updated to include a brief slideshow of photos from the symposium [satellite auto="undefined" thumbs="off"] More than 120 authors and Spanish literature experts from throughout the U.S. and other countries, including Brazil, Canada, Cuba, Iran, Jordan, Perú, the Philippines, Spain, and Trinidad and Tobago, will present on their works and research at the 37th International Symposium of Hispanic Literature at California State University, Dominguez Hills from 9 a.m. to 8:15 p.m. Thursday, March 8, and from 9 a.m. to 5 p.m. Friday, March 9, in the Loker Student Union. The event is free and open to the public. Hosted by the Department of ... Read More
Alumnus Thabiti Asukile Urges Recognition of Black Intellectuals
For California State University, Dominguez Hills alumnus Thabiti Asukile (Class of '95, B.S. Africana studies), learning to read critically revealed deeper, more comprehensive insights into American history - including contributions of great African American thinkers. In learning more about American history, Asukile, who has an M.A. in African American studies from Temple University and a Ph.D. in American history from University of California, Berkeley, discovered a wealth of black intellectuals who had been forgotten or intentionally marginalized. “Today, it's hard to know who the black intellectuals are, because they aren't talked about in the media. Academic scholars know who they ... Read More