As part of the 50th anniversary of California State University, Dominguez Hills, the university's Multicultural Center (MCC) will unveil “Manifest Diversity,” a large-scale multimedia mural created by students under the guidance of award-winning and nationally recognized Los Angeles muralist Eliseo Art Silva on Sept. 9. The mural was created to celebrate the diversity of CSU Dominguez Hills and its surrounding areas, as well as historical social accomplishments that have contributed to a more inclusive and multicultural America. Family and friends of mural honorees such as the late United Farm Workers of America labor leader Larry Itliong, along with local officials, students, and ... Read More
Synthia SAINT JAMES: Renowned Artist Unveils First in Series of 50th Anniversary Commemorative Paintings by Local Artists
Every year, the Annual Fall Reception at California State University, Dominguez Hills welcomes faculty and staff to the new academic year. On August 23, this year's celebration was especially memorable with the unveiling of a commemorative painting and poster by renowned artist Synthia SAINT JAMES. “Cincuenta” (Fifty) is the first in a series that will be created by locally based artists to celebrate the 50th anniversary of CSU Dominguez Hills. “What I really want is for everyone who is a part of this school - faculty, staff, anyone who is an alumni - to have something to feel proud of in celebration of the 50th anniversary,” said SAINT JAMES at the unveiling in the ballroom of the ... Read More
Teen Journalists From China Visit CSU Dominguez Hills
Every summer and winter, high school students from Shanghai, China, visit the United States to learn English and the American culture. Last month, 40 students made California State University, Dominguez Hills their home for six days as part of the College of Extended and International Education's American Language and Culture Program study tours. “We call them study tours because the students spend the morning portion of their day in English classes and after lunch they get to do something fun like Disneyland or the beach,” said Dr. Edward Milecki, director of international programs at the university. The students were taken to many famous Los Angeles hangouts such as Santa Monica, Venice ... Read More
Joni Johnson: English Master’s Student Receives University’s Graduate Equity Fellowship
Joni Johnson (Class of '10, B.A., English literature) has received a Graduate Equity Fellowship, a two-year grant awarded by California State University, Dominguez Hills. Johnson, an administrative support assistant in the Child Development Program in the College of Professional Studies, says that her work environment at the university has been a great influence on her performance as a student - and on her career goals as an educator. “Knowing what offices to go to, who to speak with, forming relationships that help me to do my job efficiently, as well as being surrounded by faculty who are so motivated about teaching students, have all aided in my [own] accomplishments,” she says. ... Read More
CSU Dominguez Hills Receives Federal TRIO Grant
(Carson, CA) - California State University, Dominguez Hills has been awarded the first year allocation of a five-year grant from the U.S. Department of Education to continue its Student Support Services (SSS) program for disadvantaged students. The first year award is for $259,059, with the full award totally approximately $1.3 million. SSS is a Department of Education TRIO program that aims to improve college retention and graduation rates among low-income, first generation or disabled students by providing such services as advising, counseling, mentoring, tutoring, and career planning. This is the third multi-year TRIO/SSS grant CSU Dominguez Hills has received; its program has been in ... Read More