Source: CBS News/KCAL News (Video) Rina Nakano profiles Ready for Success LA, a nonprofit organization that helps former foster children as they continue their pursuit of education, providing them with the means to outfit their dorm rooms and adapt to college life. ... Read More
Toro Guardian Scholars
La Opinión: Spectacular Latin Graduation Celebration
Source: La Opinión (Spanish) Rostros llenos de alegría y alguna que otra lágrima de emoción fueron parte de penúltima de seis ceremonias de graduación en la Universidad Estatal de California Domínguez Hills. En las gradas del Dignity Sports Health Park Tennis Stadium de Carson, miles de familias y amigos acudieron para aplaudir, festejar y abrazar a sus hijos, hermanos, tíos o amigos, quienes vencieron barreras y lograron la meta anhelada de graduarse. Fueron 4,400 los estudiantes graduados, y de ellos, el 68.9% son hispanos/latinos. Tras desfilar a través de un túnel del estadio, Michael Spagna, rector de la universidad y vicepresidente de asuntos académicos dio la bienvenida a los ... Read More
Toro Guardian Scholars Officially Opens New Home
Lots of joy and love were on display on Tuesday, Sept. 19, as the Toro Guardian Scholars (TGS) program welcomed the campus community to the official grand opening of their new space in Welch Hall. TGS is a comprehensive program dedicated to supporting Toro students who have transitioned from the foster care system or homelessness. They help students with everything from obtaining basic needs and emergency housing to financial literacy workshops and academic support. Staff, students, and supporters gathered outside the new space for the grand opening, which included short speeches from several officials, followed by an official ribbon cutting by the program’s first director, Joshua ... Read More
Fall Term Sees New Faces on Campus
In past years, New Student Convocation at CSUDH marked the formal start of the academic year. First-time and returning students joined faculty, staff, family, and friends to celebrate an exciting journey of personal and educational discovery. Energy, passion, and not a little swagger featured prominently in the festivities. This important tradition was reluctantly cancelled this year after heavy rainfall from Tropical Storm Hilary saturated the Activities Field on campus and made it unsuitable for the celebration. President Thomas A. Parham says that despite the cancellation, the underlying message of the event is something he wants all Toros to take to heart not just as the fall term ... Read More
Cultural Grad Events Celebrate the Journey
Malcolm X called education “our passport to the future” in his speech at the founding forum for the Organization of Afro-American Unity in 1964. He linked it to the struggle for human rights, the discovery and celebration of cultural identity, and the development of greater self-respect. In his view, education provided an essential conduit for progress, a roadmap for continuous travel and not just a destination. It was in this spirit that CSUDH's cultural and affinity organizations gathered this month ahead of formal Commencement on May 19 and 20 for a series of smaller, culturally focused graduation celebrations. “It's important to celebrate the accomplishments of our graduates in a ... Read More