California State University, Dominguez Hills College of Education's Project Reach is increasingly being recognized for its work helping to improve the test scores and academic performance of students in Compton Unified School District. The comprehensive K-12 tutoring initiative that utilizing college students to provide academic support services to schools in Compton Unified School District was touted by the national publication District Administration in its naming of Compton Unified as a "District of Distinction." The joint partnership with Compton Unified was established in fall 2015 and pairs 50 college students with students at all 22 Compton elementary schools. Tutors are recruited ... Read More
College of Education
Training Teachers in STEM Day for LA Unified School District
The California STEM Institute for Innovation and Improvement (CSI3) at California State University, Dominguez Hills hosted a STEM Day for the New Teacher Summer Institute (NTSI) given by Los Angeles Unified School District (LAUSD). The district conducts NTSI for its incoming teachers. CSI3 was invited by LAUSD to facilitate a day of training that demonstrated and explained how to implement innovative STEM activities into the classroom. In turn, CSI3 prepared a full day of workshops, speakers and panelists engaging teachers in various STEM fields. The day revolved around nine interactive and collaborative workshops. After each workshop, facilitators provided participants with lesson ... Read More
College of Education Alumni Awarded Teacher of the Year Honors
LaTeira Haynes, a graduate of California State University, Dominguez Hills' (CSUDH) single subject credential program, has been named a Los Angeles Unified School District (LAUSD) 2015-16 “Rookie of the Year” teacher for her skill in preparing effective instruction and procedures, and providing a positive classroom learning environment for her students. Haynes, who was enrolled in CSUDH's Transition to Teaching program, follows in the footsteps of fellow Toros who have been honored recently for their teaching excellence. Last year, Patrick Sherwood, a first-year teacher from CSUDH's school residency program, also garnered a Rookie of the Year honor. This past spring, Krystal Braxton, a ... Read More
Jeff Sapp Honored with ‘2016 Excellence in Research, Scholarship and Creative Activity Award’
As a gifted curriculum writer, researcher and educator, Jeff Sapp, professor of teacher education, has garnered high respect from his colleagues, his students, and California State University, Dominguez Hills' (CSUDH) 2016 Excellence in Research, Scholarship and Creative Activity Award. Sapp will carry the University Mace, an honor reserved for highly distinguished faculty members, at the College of Education and College of Extended and International Education Commencement Ceremony at 5 p.m. on Saturday, May 21. The faculty award acknowledges that “research, scholarship and creative activities that are essential components of the mission of CSUDH, and recognizes a professor's professional ... Read More
STEM in Action Conference Makes 700 kids ‘Mad’ about ‘Science’
Was it a steady flow of soft serve ice cream, or just your everyday swirl of carbon dioxide gas bubbles being streamed onto a boy's head? Justin Time-and-Space, a Mad Science Group, Inc. employee with a questionable last name, said “both would be fun,” then corrected the boy's ice cream quip in humorous yet scientific detail. The concoction was being served up during California State University, Dominguez Hills (CSUDH) 2nd annual STEM in Action: Kid's Conference on March 11. The conference invited nearly 700 inner-city elementary, and middle school students from the Los Angeles area to explore the lighter side of science in fun and creative ways. “It sounds a bit complicated, ... Read More