Three California State University, Dominguez Hills (CSUDH) chemistry students had the opportunity to not only present their own research, but view poster and verbal research presentations by their peers during the 33rd Annual Southern California Undergraduate Research Conference in Chemistry and Biochemistry (SCURCCB), held at the University of California, San Diego on April 11. Hosted by the Southern California Section of the American Chemical Society (ACS), the conference attracted nearly 150 chemistry and biochemistry undergraduate researchers from more than 25 post-secondary institutions. Noman Al, a junior studying chemistry at CSUDH, presented his poster “Estimation of ... Read More
College of Natural and Behavioral Sciences
O&P Program assists in project to give 3-D printed hand to young girl
The Orthothics and Prosthetics program at CSUDH received local and national attention recently for the role it played in giving a local 7-year-old girl a prosthetic hand through 3D print technology. The project was led by the nonprofit e-NABLE in partnership with Built-It, a do-it-yourself 3-D printing workspace. O&P instructor Mark Muller consulted on the case and helped custom fit the 3-D printed arm with a silicone insert. Video from My50 Chicago Television coverage of the story featuring Mark Muller A sampling of other media coverage: 7-year-old Lakewood girl gets a new 'robohand' through 3-D printing technology -- Press-Telegram/Daily Breeze 3-D printer provides ... Read More
CSUDH agreements offer students early admission to Caribbean medical schools
California State University, Dominguez Hills (CSUDH) now guarantees that qualified students who want to earn Doctor of Medicine (M.D.) degrees can gain early admission to the American University of Antigua (AUA) or St. George's University (SGU) in Grenada. CSUDH recently signed memorandums of understandings (MOU) with the two West Indies universities to establish early admission programs (EAP). Designed primarily for pre-health students at CSUDH, the programs are also open to any students, regardless of major, who earn the required prerequisites, according to Thomas Landefeld, professor of biology and pre-health adviser in CSUDH's Department of Biology and faculty adviser to ... Read More
Irene Osisioma Receives Fulbright Award
Irene Osisioma, associate professor of teacher education at California State University, Dominguez Hills (CSUDH), has been awarded a Fulbright Scholarship grant during the 2015-2016 academic year to continue her research on the way science is taught in her home country of Nigeria, the United States Department of State and the J. William Fulbright Scholarship Board announced recently. Osisioma will be working collaboratively with educators at the University of Nigeria, Nsukka to develop and implement a professional development model and to teach a science methods course in order to enhance Nigerian teachers' acquisition of effective instructional strategies. “I am very elated and ... Read More
Alumnus Edwin Henderson paves a straight path for inner-city teens
“Man, do we have to go home?” One might expect such a question from a teenager after a fun-packed trip away from home. But for California State University, Dominguez Hills (CSUDH) alumnus Edwin Henderson (2001, B.A., psychology), founder of the Los Angeles-based nonprofit On a Mission (OAM), the question has been asked of him after trips to places most would find not that enjoyable. “For many of the young people we work with, their home structure is so messed up they don't want to go back,” said Henderson, recounting a time when troubled youth he works with wanted to continue their field trip to San Quentin State Prison, where they were interacting with prisoners to learn about the ... Read More