Our faculty members participate in conferences around the world, conduct groundbreaking research, and publish books and journal papers that contribute to their field and highlight their expertise. We feature those accomplishments and more in this section. To share faculty news, email lmckibbin@csudh.edu.
College of Arts and Humanities

Gilah Yelin Hirsch, professor of art emerita, was featured in Nashim, A Journal of Jewish Women’s Studies & Gender Issues, Number 43 with a book review of Archaeology of a Metaphor: The Art of Gilah Yelin Hirsch.
In June, Hirsch also guest taught about art and healing at McGill University in Montreal, Canada for a course about cultural psychiatry and psychiatric epidemiology research methods.

Andrea Johnson, professor of history, received the John Topham and Susan Redd Butler Off-Campus Faculty Award from Brigham Young University (BYU) for her project, Religion in the American West of William Randolph Hearst. The funding will allow her to visit the archives in the Bancroft Library at U.C. Berkeley and the state archives in Utah, as well as the Tom L. Perry collection at BYU.
This research will inform her scholarship on the ways in which William Randolph Hearst used his newspapers to discuss religion in Utah at the time of the debates over Utah statehood, part of a larger project on Hearst and religion in the American West.

Professor and Chair of History Laura Talamante received an Iméra Institute for Advanced Studies of the University of Aix-Marseille and École des Hautes Études en Sciences Sociales research fellowship as holder of the Transregional Studies Iméra-EHESS Chair. Her current project builds upon her previous digital mapping publications as part of the development of a digital mapping book and interactive website that illuminates women’s revolutionary political influence and the possibilities and limitations for control of the daily environment.
Her goal for expanding the project is to use digital mapping as another lens to develop her previous research and publications on women’s influence on and use of revolutionary divorce and marriage laws.She will also participate in the Necessary Utopias research program with local and global scholars.
College of Business Administration and Public Policy

Associate Professor of Economics Nestor Garza was profiled in “Demystifying Land Value Capture, from Colombia to California” by the Lincoln Institute of Land Policy. In the article, Garza—previously a master’s and research fellow of the Institute’s Latin American & Caribbean division—delves into his research in urban economics, as well as what Los Angeles could learn from Latin American cities.
“Lots of positive transformations to the urban built environment can be made in the context of market institutions,” Garza said. “We can change cities and make them a bit more livable, a bit less hostile to pedestrians or to the inhabitants.”

The eighth edition of Understanding Terrorism: Challenges, Perspectives, and Issues, by Professor of Criminal Justice Administration C. Augustus “Gus” Martin, has been published by SAGE Publications. This new edition of Martin’s first book offers a multidisciplinary, comprehensive exploration of domestic and international terrorism that helps students develop the knowledge and skills needed to critically assess the expressions and underlying causes of terrorism.
College of Education

Assistant Professor of Teacher Education Minhye Son recently co-authored and published an Open Access journal entitled “Who Are Bilinguals? Surfacing Teacher Candidates’ Conceptions of Bilingualism” in Languages. This qualitative study explored how 60 teacher candidates think about “bilingualism,” analyzing closed and open-ended survey responses. These findings challenge idealized notions of perfect balanced bilingualism, with implications for bilingual education research and practice.
Son presented her research for the Korean Education Center Los Angeles’ seminar on Korean language and culture, and was quoted by Jungbu Daily (Korean) and Korean Times.
“Recently in the United States, the push for dual language capacity extends beyond immigrants to everyone, highlighting the importance of bilingual education in a global context,” Son said.
College of Natural and Behavioral Sciences

Professor of Biology Terry McGlynn was awarded a grant in the amount of $50,000 through NASA’s Minority University Research and Education Project Partnership Learning Annual Notification award. McGlynn’s project, in collaboration with Dr. Allison Shultz, Curator of Ornithology at the Natural History Museum of L.A. County, investigates the capacity of animals to reflect near-infrared radiation, which can reduce the amount of heat gained when exposed to sunlight. By finding insects and birds that are particularly good at reflecting this heat away from themselves, scientists may better understand how to engineer structures that are able to reflect away heat, or absorb it more effectively, on earth and in space.
McGlynn was also awarded a grant from the National Science Foundation for $382,681, a mid-career advancement award, to further expand this work over the next few years.
Sociology lecturer Marisela Velazquez was interviewed for NVivo’s podcast series Between The Data about the diverse work she carries out as a qualitative researcher. The interview, entitled “Reflexivity in Intersectional Qualitative Research Practices,” focuses on the ways Velazquez engages in reflexivity as a qualitative researcher and her use of NVivo software for storing, organizing and analyzing diverse qualitative research projects.
Recent quotes and/or interviews in the media from faculty

“Moving can be especially hard because building up one’s life and then moving away from such a long-term investment can be extremely difficult. Common consequences could be insomnia or oversleeping, eating more or less than usual, and experiencing headaches, fatigue or other stress-related symptoms.” – Giacomo Bono, professor of psychology, was interviewed by USA Today about managing the stress of moving.

“If you are a sole proprietor, it is necessary to keep your business separate from your personal life. This means that you have to keep your business transactions in a separate (business) account rather than your personal account.” – Prakash Dheeriya, professor of finance, was a featured expert in a WalletHub piece about the best business bank accounts. He was also interviewed by MoneyGeek about the pros and cons of a secured credit card.

“Don’t view unemployment insurance as a charity. You’ve been paying into unemployment insurance while working, so now’s the time to use it. File as soon as possible because it can take a few weeks to start receiving benefits.” – Thomas Norman, professor of management and marketing, offered tips and strategies for MoneyGeek about how to navigate a layoff.

“‘Unbalanced relationships where one person expects too much and thinks their partner must meet those expectations to prove that they love them’ is when things get tricky.” – Beverly Palmer, professor emerita of psychology, was quoted in a Women’s Health article about “love languages” and acts of service.

“[California is] still a state that has unionized construction workers and unionized refinery workers. [Harris] expands on that union base.” – Professor of Interdisciplinary Studies and Labor Studies Vivian Price was interviewed by Politico‘s E&E News about labor unions mobilizing behind Vice President Kamala Harris.

“I look at it in a sort of simplistic way of how screens affect people in either one of two directions—either a direction of needing to do more, or an addiction direction.” – Larry Rosen, professor emeritus of psychology, was quoted in a Fortune article about the warning signs of smartphone addiction.

“There is one aspect of the car insurance industry that might be difficult to address specifically in advertising and that is the customizability. For example, it is difficult for an advertisement to give accurate price information when the individual policies will vary so greatly from customer to customer.” – Melissa St. James, associate professor of management and marketing, gave expert insight about car insurance marketing tactics for WalletHub.