Enthusiastic about sharing their knowledge and insights about their chosen careers, 26 alumni returned to California State University, Dominguez Hills (CSUDH) as lecturers on April 4 and 5 for the university's 3rd annual Professor for a Day. Organized by the Office of Alumni Programs, Professor for a Day provides current CSUDH students a glimpse into the variety of fields and careers available to them after they graduate. The students learn from lectures and interactive activities led by the honorary professors who are matched with classes relevant to their fields. Alumna Lois Lee ('76, M.A., sociology) spoke to a Women's History class. She is founder and president of the ... Read More
Intimate Spring Alumni Reception Helps Reconnect OC Toros to CSUDH
An intimate gathering of California State University, Dominguez Hills (CSUDH) alumni recently enjoyed food and drink as they shared stories and got to know one another at the 2016 Spring Alumni Reception. Hosted on March 30 at the elegant Balboa Bay Resort in Newport Beach by CSUDH's Division of University Advancement (UA), and attended by university President Willie J. Hagan and other administrative and academic leaders on campus, the gathering was another example of the CSUDH's successful efforts to reach out and connect with alumni. A short program took place after the alumni spent some time mingling. It included remarks and a presentation from President Hagan, who provided ... Read More
Alumna Linda Rose’s Experience Bodes Well for LA Southwest College
What do employers need? They need people who can communicate, who “understand what they're doing,” those who can think critically and are “not afraid” to think creatively. “That's how companies are moving forward, and that's what our students need to get there,” said Linda Rose, president of Los Angeles Southwest College (LASC), and a California State University, Dominguez Hills (CSUDH) alumna. Rose should know. The oldest of eight siblings, she grew up in Compton and didn't go to college directly after graduating from Centennial High. By the late 1970s and early 1980s, she was supporting herself working for such South Bay companies as Mattel Inc. and the aerospace company TRW (now ... Read More
Alumnus Sam Enriquez Serves as Keynote at New York/Tri-State Alumni Reception
California State University, Dominguez Hills (CSUDH) alumnus Sam Enriquez served as keynote speaker at the CSU New York/Tri-State Alumni Reception on March 14, an event that annually brings together alumni from throughout the California State University (CSU) system to network and mingle. Enriquez (Class of '85, B.S., economics) is senior editor, Page One of The Wall Street Journal (WSJ), the largest newspaper in the United States. He edits stories on politics, finance, corporations and foreign affairs, as well as breaking news. During the reception, which took place at The University Club of New York, Enriquez shared experiences about being a CSUDH student and how his degree has ... Read More
Alumna Monica Cooper: building a ‘robust’ financial future for the City of Carson
Since being voted in as treasurer of the City of Carson in March 2015, California State University, Dominguez Hills (CSUDH) alumna Monica Cooper has been probing financial records and systems as she works to make the city's capital safer, its investments more strategic and transparent, and its portfolio more robust. Making Carson more financially viable is not just Cooper's ('91, MPA, and '90 B.S., Public Administration) job as treasurer, but is a promise she made to the city's nearly 93,000 residents when she ran for office. She is well on her way to keeping that promise, starting with protecting the city's assets. “Before I got here there was an issue with funds that were stolen via the ... Read More