Recognizing recent honors bestowed on students at the end of the 2013-14 academic year and internship and/or research programs in which they are participating over the summer.
College of Arts and Humanities
Nathan Ortiz, who graduated this year with a degree in theatre arts, dance option, has been accepted into the CSU Summer Arts Program in Monterey Bay. In addition Ortiz had a dance adjudicated at the American College Dance Festival at Arizona State University in March, and produced his own senior dance concert.

At the Department of Communications Annual Banquet, the following awards and scholarships were handed out: Carlos Perales, Outstanding Graduating Senior; Megan Murray, Outstanding Media Studies Student; Evyn Blair, Outstanding Journalism Student; Krystal Miles, Outstanding Advertising/Public Relations Student; Marissa Berson, Outstanding Advertising/Public Relations Student; Claudia Anaya Munoz, Outstanding Junior; Isiah Reyes, Special Academic Award for 4.0 GPA; Marissa Coloma, Special Academic Award for 4.0 GPA; Wayne Madere, Donn Silvis Memorial Scholarship; and Leslie Nakai Memorial Scholarship winners: Maryanella Canel, Carlos Perales, Cinnamon Thompson, Byronique Goodes and Alejandro Rodriguez.
The 2014 Jack T. Kilfoil Memorial Scholarship in History was awarded to Lori May, first place; Jessica Patton, second place; Oscar Sanchez Hernandez, third place, and Scott Aquiles, honorable mention.

The following students were inducted into the Phi Alpha Theta National History Honors Society for 2014: Alexander Connelly, Ruben A. Flores, Rafael Guerra, Danny Jaimez, James Maclennan, Esmeralda Mayorga, Carla Moreno, Thomas Medina, Gelli Nocon, Ian Reinhard and Oscar D. Sanchez Hernandez.
Three students contributed articles to the Department of Philosophy’s first edition of Telos: A Journal of Philosophy: James Crawford, philosophy major, “Hip-Hop Culture & the Perpetuation of Inequality;” Jaime Munoz, double major in Chicano/Chicana and philosophy, “Active Hospitality; ” and Andres Lara, English major/philosophy minor), “Simone de Beauvoir & the Ethics of Authenticity””‹
College of Business Administration and Public Policy
Cristabel Campos-Ruiz, marketing major, was inducted into the Delta Mu Delta International Honors Society for business. Campos-Ruiz created and implemented a 5 cent campaign on campus to raise money for The Nira Orphanage in Tanzania.
Tahlia Grond, accounting major, has been elected President of the Accounting Society. Additionally, this semester, Grond initiated a community engagement project, “Be Still My Restless Hands,” to raise awareness about the acute water scarcity worldwide. Using a motion sensor tracking app, the project tracked participants’ cell phone use; for every 10 minutes of a still phone, one day of clean water was raised for children around the world without access to potable, safe water. Through Grond’s project, students, their friends and family, and Peace Corp members in various parts of Africa “stilled” their phones for over 8,400 minutes and helped raise almost three years worth, or 840 days of water.
Vincent Hollis and Mitchell Ivers, accounting majors, were selected for summer internships in the finance and accounting division at The Aerospace Corporation.

At the Accounting Society Awards Banquet, the Finance and Accounting Department’s annual awards were presented to the following students: Becker CPA Review Course Award to Thomas Freelon and Vincent Hollis; the Ernest F. Howard CPA Award to Makisha Glover-Hill; Roger CPA Review Course Award to Cynthia De La Cueva; Downey, Smith & Fier Award to Reid Francis; Gleim CPA Review Course Award to Stacy Dickson and Carlos Shottler; IIA-Beach Cities Chapter Award to Tahlia Grond; Accounting and Finance Faculty Award to Natasha Troung; IMA Award to Christina Faulkner.
College of Natural and Behavioral Sciences
Marina Armenderez, psychology major, was accepted to a summer program in health psychology at the University of Michigan.
Yajaira Bautista, biology major and Noyce Scholar, was selected to participate in National Science Foundation-funded Tropical Ecology Mentorship Program led by CSUDH biology professor Terry McGlynn and scientists at the Organization of Tropical Studies. The two-week summer program involves research at the La Selva Biological Station in the rainforest of Costa Rica.
Victor Bell, biochemistry major and MARC student, was accepted to the 2014 Eugene and Ruth Roberts Summer Student Academy at the City of Hope.
Jonathan Campos, earth sciences major, was awarded a Watershed Management Internship for 2013-14 from the CSU Water Resources and Policy Initiatives and has been receiving training on hydrological measurements and research from his mentor, earth science professor John Keyantash. The CSU Water Resources and Policy Initiatives is funded by the U.S. Department of Agriculture and provides students with experiential training in water resources fields.
Mario Castillo, graduating senior in anthropology, has received a CSU pre-doctoral award for a summer internship at the University of Arkansas.
Jamisson Costa, master’s student in clinical psychology, received a PEGS (Promoting Excellence in Graduate Studies) Travel Scholarship and a Psi Chi Research Scholarship for Spring 2014. Costa presented the study, “Cross-Cultural Investigation of the Effects of Time Preference on Multitasking Skills” (Jamisson Costa & L. Mark Carrier, PhD.) at the 94th Annual Convention of the Western Psychological Association.
Marko Germono, graduating senior in anthropology, was accepted into the Institute for Field Research’s Ifugao Archaeological Field School in the Philippines, and he was awarded a $2,000 scholarship from IFR for participation in the field school.
Jeff Guevara, physics major and MARC student, was accepted to Yale University’s Center for Research on Interface Structures and Phenomena (CRISP) Research Experiences for Undergraduates (REU), a National Science Foundation Materials Research Science and Engineering Center (MRSEC) program.
Anthony Jones, biochemistry major and MBRS student, was accepted to the California Institute of Technology MURF (Master’s Undergraduate Research Fellow) program this summer.
Gabriel Jones, graduating senior in anthropology, presented as first author a paper at the Society for Applied Anthropology’s meeting in Albuquerque in March.
Tanya Kaplan, psychology major, was accepted to a summer program in social psychology at the University of Michigan.
Jose Lara-Ruiz, graduating senior in psychology and MBRS student, presented “Coping with Trauma: PTSD and Media Usage in a Sample of College Students at the 39th annual CSU Social Science Research and Instructional Center Student Research Conference at CSU Fullerton in May. Lara-Ruiz also participated in a symposium, discussing his research, “Digital Media Use as a Mediating Factor between PTSD and Academic Performance,” at the 94th Annual Convention of the Western Psychological Association.
Cassandra Maddux, biochemistry major and MBRS student, was selected for an Undergraduate Toxicology Education travel award to attend the Undergraduate Education Program at the 2014 annual meeting of the Society of Toxicology in March in Phoenix. She also will be attending a summer research mentorship program at the University of California, Santa Barbara.
Yessenia Magana, psychology major, was accepted to a summer program in educational psychology at the University of Virginia.
Warren Nanney, chemistry major and MARC U*STAR student, was accepted to the summer research mentorship program at UC Santa Barbara.
Christopher Odudu, psychology major, was accepted to a psychology summer program at Washington University.
Abraham Ruiz, psychology major and MBRS student, was accepted to the 2014 American Psychological Association’s Summer Science Fellowship program at George Mason University.
Robert Spengler, graduating senior in computer technology was selected as an Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers Merwin Scholar for demonstrating outstanding involvement in an IEEE Computer Society Student Chapter, excellence in academic achievement, and promise in future efforts.
Arisdelzy Villanueva, biology major and MARC student, was accepted to the University of California, Berkeley Summer Training Academy for Research in the sciences (STARS) program.
Erica Zamora, graduating senior in math education and Noyce Scholar, received a travel stipend to attend the Math Noyce Scholars Workshops at Cal Poly San Luis Obispo in August designed to help improve scholars’ mathematics content knowledge for teaching, and prepare scholars as they begin their first year of teaching and to address challenges that exist when teaching in high-needs districts.
Geraldy Eisman, Jose Lara-Ruiz, and Jessica Mendoza were named the Department of Psychology 2014 Outstanding Psychology Students, Undergraduates.
Aimee Miller, Victoria Moss, and Jeff Rokkum were named the Department of Psychology 2014 Outstanding Psychology Students, Graduates.
Anthropology majors Nicholas Austin, Mario Castillo, Leslie Estrada, and Lissete Rivera (double major in Spanish literature and anthropology), will be going to Chiapas, Mexico for a two-week research project and course on “Ethnoecology: Traditional Mesoamerican Agriculture,” led by professor of anthropology Janine Gasco. The students will be conducting field research on traditional land-use practices in the tropical lowlands of Chiapas.
The Department of Anthropology’s Lambda Alpha National Anthropology Honor Society chapter inducted the following students as new members:Felicia Aguirre,Tracy Brack, Naomi-Ann Briseño, Mario Castillo,Michael Cloud, Brandon Gay,Olivia Havens,Evelyn Hildebrand,Francesca Mendoza,Jessica Patton,David Rapport,and Kimberly Vargas.
The following students were invited into the Phi Kappa Phi Honor Society: Cesar Deleon, Melissa Cervantes, Anthony Jones, Jeff Guevara, Elizabeth Grotemeyer, and Taline Shishoian.
College of Education
Jaqueline Lopez, in the Urban Teacher Residency program, received a STEM Teachers and Research (STAR) fellowship for the nine-week summer program where she will work closely with scientists at the SETI Institute and take part in teacher development workshops and two STAR conferences.