California State University, Dominguez Hills' (CSUDH) Department of Theatre and Dance will host dance auditions for CSUDH students interested in performing in the 2019 faculty-guest dance concert “Renovations.” The auditions will take place Sept. 5 at 6 p.m. in the CSUDH Dance Studio, GYM A102. Registration begins at 5:30 p.m. To audition, students should bring a dance resume, headshot, and wear dance attire. Participants should be prepared for a brief warm-up, to learn movement combinations, and to dance modern, jazz, hip-hop, ballet, Latin, and African dance. Rehearsals for students selected to perform in “Renovations” will take place one to two days per week in the evenings and/or ... Read More
CSUDH in Talks to House the Mayme A. Clayton Library & Museum
Cal State University Dominguez Hills is in negotiations to house the Mayme A. Clayton Library & Museum collection – more than 2 million historical artifacts, rare books, photographs, and other types of memorabilia about the African American experience in this country. After more than a decade in a Los Angeles County facility, occupants of the Mayme A. Clayton Library & Museum vacated that property for good on July 31. The end goal for the Mayme A. Clayton Library & Museum is to be housed in a permanent location, said Lloyd Clayton, executive director and son of the founder. Clayton stated that West Los Angeles Community College has proposed putting up the collection on a ... Read More
Faculty Highlights: July 2019
Our faculty members participate in conferences around the world, conduct groundbreaking research, and publish books and journal papers that contribute to their field and highlight their expertise. We feature those accomplishments and more in this section. College of Education Anthony Normore, professor emeritus of school leadership in graduate education, delivered the Walter D. Cocking Lecture at the International Council of Professors of Educational Leadership and the Educational Leaders Without Borders conference in July 2019 at Soka University of America in Aliso Viejo, CA. Normore's presentation was titled “Human Rights, Civil Rights and Democracy in Context of Educational Leadership ... Read More
CSUDH Gets its Hands on a Huge Repository of Obscure and Radical Political Texts
Newsletters with evocative titles such as “Practical Anarchy” and “Bolshevik Tendencies” – tucked away in cardboard boxes bearing labels like “Anarchism Collection (Box 2) – sit, uncatalogued, in the library basement at Cal State Dominguez Hills. Shelves there contain more than 5,700 books devoted to fringe and mainstream political movements, and diverse subjects such as Nazi Germany, the Spanish Civil War and the American Civil Rights movement. And there are scrapbooks, buttons, video and audio tapes, personal papers of activists, and cheaply produced pamphlets – often discarded quickly, they are now rare – crammed into dozens of cardboard boxes. This hodgepodge of political ... Read More
Orie Berezan Studies what Drives Behavior, Loyalty, and Emotions on Social Media
“Traveling is an addiction” for Orie Berezan, assistant professor of management and marketing at California State University, Dominguez Hills (CSUDH). In fact, his extensive use of frequent traveler perks led him to make customer loyalty and satisfaction programs his first focus of research as a Ph.D. student. In his work, Berezan explores the background and success of industry loyalty programs and seeks answers to why people invest their time in amassing the benefits, and what motivates customers to keep coming back. His work has evolved to explore the drivers of social media behavior and the relationships between social media use and customer satisfaction and loyalty, perceived virtual ... Read More