Our faculty members participate in conferences around the world, conduct groundbreaking research, and publish books and journal papers that contribute to their field and highlight their expertise. We feature those accomplishments and more in this section.
College of Arts and Humanities
Miguel Dominguez, professor of Modern Languages, served as keynote speaker during David Starr Jordan High School Partnership for Los Angeles Schools commencement ceremony on June 8.
Marco Turk, professor and director emeritus of the Negotiation, Conflict Resolution and Peacebuilding program, has published a chapter regarding “conflict transformation” in the book Peace Psychology Perspectives on Abortion.
College of Business Administration and Public Policy
Richard Malamud, accounting and finance professor, had his article “Death of an S Corporation Shareholder, Estate Tax: See how a trust or estate can continue as an S Corporation shareholder”published in the July 2016 issue of the business journal Spidell’s Federal Taxation.
College of Education
Anthony Normore, professor of graduate education, has published articles in two law enforcement publications: “Leadership and Management: Fraternal Twins in Law Enforcement” was published in The Police Chief: The Professional Voice of Law Enforcement in April 2016, and “Human Factors in Law Enforcement Leadership” was published in the FBI Law Enforcement Bulletin in December 2015. The latter was co-written by Darius H. Bone and Mitch Javidi. Normore was also one of two guest editors of “Research Methods in Educational Leadership,” a special issue featured in the International Journal of Educational Management.
Clarence (Gus) Martin, professor of criminal justice administration, has written a second edition of his book “Understanding Homeland Security,” which will be published by SAGE Publications in August.