Our faculty members participate in conferences around the world, conduct groundbreaking research, and publish books and journal papers that contribute to their field and highlight their expertise. We feature those accomplishments and more in this section.
Recent quotes and/or interviews in the media from faculty
“It is not uncommon to see users delete photos that don’t get enough likes shortly after they are uploaded to keep their presence curated with their best performing pieces of content. “Since we spend more time online, where we don’t get positive reinforcements from facial gestures, hugs, and other nonverbal cues, we try to get it from likes.” – Larry Rosen, emeritus professor of psychology, was quoted in the Forbes article “What’s Life Without Likes?”
“The most important thing is to find out if the credit card company reports the balance on your personal credit. If it does, do not take the card. However some banks offer small business credit cards that are almost like a conventional line of credit, in that the bank goes through a credit approval process similar to if you were taking out a loan. The advantage of these types of cards is that they can have very high limits (hundreds of thousands of dollars).” – Michael Manahan, finance lecturer, was interviewed for the WalletHub.com promotional article “2019’s States with the Highest and Lowest Credit Card Depts.”
“Like a human baby, our pet needs to be protected (not yelled at), is dependent, and fulfills our need to be needed, which is equated with being loved,” Palmer tells Elite Daily via email. – Beverly Palmer, former CSUDH psychology professor, was the featured expert for the Elite Daily article “Why do I use baby talk with pets? Experts say your habit has its perks.”
“Most of the studies have shown it can lead to depression, social anxiety, things that young people should not be dealing with. They should be worrying about getting good grades in school and not worrying about comparing themselves to others.” – said Nancy Cheever, professor of communications, in reference to how heavy adult users of smartphones are more anxious when separated from their devices than lower-level users. She was interviewed for the Long Beach Press-Telegram article “Mental health focus of new youth program in Torrance and Long Beach.”