Celebrating 1,275 years of combined service, 91 staff members from California State University, Dominguez Hills were recognized for five-year milestones ranging from five to 35 and 45 years at the staff awards reception held in the Loker Student Union.

Antoine Flint, who serves as an assistant for the Library’s Cataloging Services, represents the most enduring term honored at the Sept. 26 event. He is arguably the most veteran campus employee and has certainly witnessed the evolution of the campus.
He began at the university as a newly enrolled freshman the day the Watt Campus opened across the street from current location in September 1966. That very same day–47 years ago–he landed a job in the library as a student assistant. Two years later he was employed as a member of the library’s full-time staff, earning him a 45-year milestone.
“I have been very fortunate to work here at Dominguez, [which] I call my home away from home. I’ve had the pleasure to work with wonderful and caring people. It has been a joy!” Flint remarked. “My hope is, the Lord willing, that I can again stand on that stage in 2018.”
University President Willie J. Hagan said it is notable that so many employees have been at the university for lengthy terms and praised the commitment of all employees.
“The success of any enterprise is really based more upon the people than anything else,” he said. “I feel extraordinarily great about what this campus is going to be like in the future. … [I]t’s based on what you folks have already demonstrated.”
Hagan went on to say that one of the benefits of his job is that he is able to obverse departments across the campus and is impressed by how they are tied together through the efforts of staff who work to advance the mission of not only their respective departments but also that of the university.

Awards based on performance were also presented–a feature of the event that was installed three years ago. A selection committee chose the recipients of Staff Excellence Awards from 12 finalists who were nominated by their colleagues. Along with a plaque, each recipient received a check for $1,000 and four tickets to attend a soccer game viewed from the university’s suite at the StubHub Center.
Shána Garrett, administrative support coordinator for the Division of World Cultural and Gender Studies, was presented with the Outstanding Education Support Award.
In a nomination letter, José López Morín, professor, and chair and division coordinator for the Division of World Cultural and Gender Studies, described Garrett as “exemplary” and “extremely dedicated.” He noted that she has fostered collaboration, communication, and cooperation among faculty, students in the department, and programs including Africana, Asian Pacific, Chicana/o, and women’s studies.
Morín added that Garrett works in a “highly professional manner, tirelessly assists all faculty in the division, performs exceptionally well in difficult situations, and contributes significantly to the college and the university.”
For full profiles of two of the Staff Award of Excellence recipients, see:
Gabby Gomez-Dominguez – 2013 Staff Excellence in Customer Service Award
Academic advisor for the University Advisement Center and alumnus Salvador Valdez (Class of ’09, B.S., health science: community health; ’12, M.A., counseling) was honored for a high-level of achievement.
“Being awarded the Exemplary Achievement Award from CSUDH, is a great honor that I will always be proud of,” he said.
Nominated by his supervisor Peter Kim, director of University Advisement Center, Valdez is described as working collaboratively as part of a team of professional academic advisors.
“Mr. Valdez is also an outstanding leader; coordinating, delegating, and executing the necessary actions to ensure a high level of quality advising services to all CSUDH students. He not only furnishes timely, accurate, consistent, and reliable information, but his positive demeanor and unyielding willingness to help students is truly notable. In the process, Mr. Valdez has garnered the respect and admiration of the collective staff of the University Advisement Center, as well as among professional colleagues across the campus,” Kim wrote in his nomination letter.
The Excellence in Customer Service Award was presented to Irma “Gaby” Gomez-Dominguez, coordinator and administrative assistant for the Department of Biology. The award is more than appropriate given her positive attitude and considering the aspect of her job she likes most.
“I really enjoy helping students, faculty, and staff. I try to ensure that students understand what they need to do while they are with us in the biology department,” she said. “And, of course, helping the faculty to ensure everything goes smoothly when their classes start.”
Nominated by John Thomlinson, professor and chair of the biology department, Gomez-Dominguez is described as indispensable and as consistently taking initiative and finding ways to make the department run more smoothly. Thomlinson added that she genuinely cares for students served by her department, which includes biology, biochemistry, chemistry, and clinical sciences students. In return, students value her highly and appreciate her knowledge and insight.
“I am honored to receive the staff award for Excellence in Customer Service and would like to thank Dr. Thomlinson and the faculty and staff who supported this nomination, as well as the CSUDH administration for making this recognition possible,” Gomez-Dominguez said.

To see more photos from the 2013 Staff Awards Reception, click here.
5 Years of Service
Susan E. Borrego, Vice President Enrollment Management and Student Affairs
Raman Brar, Department Secretary, Sociology
Virginia Brown, Custodian, Physical Plant
Edmond A. Buehning, Building Service Engineer, Physical Plant
Toby A. Bushee, Director of Events and Development, Ceremonies and Events
Danielle Chambers, Administrative and Special Populations Coordinator, Student Support Services Program
Leon S. Chen, Accounts Receivable Coordinator, Accounts Receivable
Sharrae E. Evans, Administrative Assistant, University Advisement Center
Alyse C. Freeman, Administrative Support Assistant, School of Nursing
Angel Garcia, Logistics Clerk, Logistical Services
Klarissa Garcia, Dispatcher, University Police
Jerry J. Healey, Refrigeration Mechanic, Physical Plant
Neil K. Kamio, Groundsworker, Physical Plant
Susan M. Lopez, Academic Advisor, Educational Opportunity Program
Nivardo Martinez, Program Coordinator, Upward Bound
George G. McCalmon, Operations Systems Analyst, Information Security
Brandy McLelland, Director of Student Information Services and Registrar, Records and Registration
Claudia Melena Orozco, Assistant to the Director, Faculty Development Center
Giovanni Ortega, Director, Upward Bound
Jorge Peña, Customer Service Specialist, Records and Registration
Cristina Prado, Administrative Support Coordinator, School of Nursing
Gentry C. Robertson, Analyst/Programmer, Student Information Services
Martin D. Simpson, Records and Registration, Enrollment and Student Affairs
Richard B. Tetrick, Manager of Building Trades, Physical Plant
Muñeca X. Williams, Administrative Support Assistant, Enterprise Applications/Common Management Systems
10 Years of Service
Ernesto J. Abundis, Groundsworker, University Housing Services
Martha E. Alexander, Administrative Support Coordinator, Office of the Vice President
Arnecia Bryant, Associate Director, Loker Student Union
Jay M. Conedy, Custodian, Physical Plant
Irma G. Corado, Graduation Evaluator, Records and Registration
Gaby Gomez-Dominguez, Administrative Assistant, Biology Department/Louis Stokes Alliance for Minority Participation Program
Michael Foo, Operating System Analyst, Infrastructure Services
Lori A. Garrett, Administrative Support Coordinator, College of Business Administration and Public Policy
Nacole Germany, Teacher’s Assistant, Infant Toddler Development Center
Dino R. Hernandez, Logistical Services Supervisor, Logistical Services
Jeffrey S. Herrick, Police Officer, University Police
Edgar R. Lazarian, Lead Systems Administrator, Infrastructure Services
Ruby A. Martínez, Assistant to the Dean, College of Arts and Humanities
Robert K. Masuda, Human Resources/Payroll Business Management Analyst, Enterprise Applications/ Common Management Systems
Mel Miranda, Assistant Athletics Director, Media Relations Athletics
Tajauta A. Ortega, Program Assistant, American Language and Culture Program
Rossano J. Pitterson, Custodian, Physical Plant
Marvin O. Ramirez, Instructional Support Assistant, Orthotics and Prosthetics Program
Annette Rayas, Database Coordinator, Development
Elisabeth A. Rollo, Administrative Support Coordinator, Orthotics and Prosthetics Program
Amparo Sahagun, Administrative Support Coordinator, Parking Services
Lois Segoviano, Custodian, Physical Plant
Kiran Sharma, Registered Nurse, Student Health and Psychological Services
Ernie G. Verdugo, Lead Groundsworker, Physical Plant
John B. Wamsley, Electrician, Physical Plant
15 Years of Service
Anthony B. Brown, Custodian, Physical Plant
Vanessa Corona, Admissions Evaluator, Records and Registration
Donna A. Cruz, Analyst, Technical Services and Special Projects, Academic Resources Management and Planning
Rita Darcy, Grants and Contracts, Administrator Foundation
Marlene J. Frantz, Administrative Coordinator, Financial Aid
Malaika W. Horne, College Scheduler, College of Business Administration and Public Policy
William Jenkins, Television Production Manager, Digital Media Arts
Kimberly J. Larson, Assistant Director, University Outreach and Information Services
John D. McCoy, Refrigeration Mechanic, Physical Plant
Vickie G. McGinnis, Custodian, Physical Plant
Shilo K. Moreno, Library Assistant, Acquisitions/Collection Development/Serials Library
Keith L. Otterberg, Director of Marketing, College of Extended and International Education
Ormond D. Rucker, Office Manager, Faculty Affairs
Cathi L. Ryan, MBA Online Coordinator, College of Business Administration and Public Policy
Carolyn L. Veek, Degree Audit Analyst/Admissions Evaluator, Records and Registration
20 Years of Service
Tonya S. Lawson, Sergeant, University Police
Miriam Neal, Library Assistant II, Library
Beatriz A. Newns, Administrative Assistant Institutional Research, Assessment and Planning
Ana Maria Lopez, Teacher’s Aide, Infant Toddler Development Center
Francisco Quinonez, Director, Procurement and Contracts
Lorena S. Raymundo-Yusuf, Manager, Accounting Services
Paula McIntosh Strode, Supervisor, Graduation Unit Records and Registration
Frances J. Twillie, Analyst/Programmer, Student Information Services
25 Years of Service
Kathleen M. Andersen, Library Services Specialist, Serials, Acquisitions/Collection Development/Serials, Library
Mary Lookabaugh Brooks, Support Staff, Academic Senate
Linda L. Brown, Office Manager, Loker Student Union
John A. Epps, Associate Director, Physical Plant
E. Mary Granger, Records Management Officer, Procurement, Contracts, Logistical and Support Services
John L. Mendoza, Light Auto Equipment Operator, Physical Plant
Raymond F. Montoya, Lead Plumber, Physical Plant
Helen Palad Remigio, Systems Analyst, Student Information Services
Jose L. Robledo, Recycling Coordinator, Physical Plant
Constance M. Watkins-Chambers, Analyst/Programmer, Student Information Services
Kenneth G. Whitehouse, Sergeant, University Police
30 Years of Service
Mark A. Cartwright, Parking Specialist, University Police
Will Henderson, Physical Education Equipment Manager, Division of Kinesiology and Recreation
Donald Taylor, Administrative Support Assistant, Student Health and Psychological Services
Patricia Ann Wells, Director, Disabled Student Services
35 Years of Service
Stewart C. Christie, Theater Manager and Technical Director, Theatre Arts and Dance Program
Paul M. Marsh, Lead Locksmith, Physical Plant
45 Years of Service
Antoine C. Flint III, Library Assistant, Cataloging Services, Library