Published in the Daily Breeze Gov. Jerry Brown's May revise of the state budget confirms California's grim economic realities. Despite improved revenues and cuts already in place - including $500 million to the California State University system - the state must still reduce its budget by nearly $10 billion, which means another round of dramatic cuts will be made to state-funded institutions and programs. If temporary tax extensions are not approved by voters or the Legislature, the CSU system will face $500 million in additional cuts, for a total of $1 billion. On paper, this cut may advance the short-term mission of reducing California's budget deficit. However, such austere cuts ... Read More
Unveiling of 50th Anniversary Art Complements Reading by Emeritus Professor
The third painting in a series to commemorate the 50th anniversary of California State University, Dominguez Hills was unveiled by award-winning artist Hatsuko Mary Higuchi and President Mildred García on May 12 in the fifth floor gallery of the University Library's South Wing. In addition, emeritus professor of history Donald Hata read from the newly released fourth edition of his seminal work, “Japanese Americans and World War II: Mass Removal, Imprisonment, and Redress.” (Wheeling, Ill.; Harlan Davidson, 2010). Higuchi, who is based in the South Bay began her painting career after exploring various types of arts and crafts, including metalworking, interior design, and weaving. Her ... Read More
President García Closes Lecture Series on Gender and Diversity in Higher Education
The “Gender + Diversity in 21st Century Higher Education” panel series culminated on May 3 with a talk by President Mildred García on “Gender and Diversity Leadership.” Introduced by Sue Needham, professor and chair of anthropology, the CSU system's 11th female and first Latina campus president discussed the growth of women and persons of color in the academy, from faculty members to college and university presidents. A scholar in the field of equity in higher education, García recently visited Oman and Jordan as one of seven university and community college presidents on a Fulbright-Hays Seminars Abroad Programthat focused on higher education in the U.S. and the Arab world. “Today, ... Read More
CSU Dominguez Hills One of Nation’s Top Institutions for Civic Engagement
California State University, Dominguez Hills has been recognized as one of the top colleges and universities in the nation for its support of volunteerism, service learning and civic engagement. For the second year in a row, the university was selected by the Corporation for National and Community Service (CNCS) to receive designation to the 2010 President's Higher Education Community Service Honor Roll with distinction. CNCS, which has administered the honor roll since 2006, looked at 641 colleges and universities for their impact on issues including literacy, neighborhood revitalization, and at-risk youth. Of that total, 511 were named to the Honor Roll, 114 received the recognition ... Read More
Pow Wow Held at CSU Dominguez Hills Celebrates Native American Culture
VIEW ADDITIONAL PHOTOS California State University, Dominguez Hills hosted the university's first pow wow since the 1970s on Saturday, April 30, attracting approximately 40 tribes from several states. The event served to highlight the university's commitment to Native American education. Less than one percent of CSU students are Native American -- the 23 CSU campuses and Chancellor's Office are working through the CSU Native American Initiative to address the historical lack of opportunities for Native Americans in higher education. Several hundred people attended the pow wow, which took place in the Sculpture Garden on campus and included Native American dances, music, arts and ... Read More