The CSUDH Educational Opportunity Program's (EOP) Summer Bridge has been helping first-year students transition into college since 1978. After a temporary hiatus due to the COVID-19 pandemic, the program has come roaring back to life this year, with more than 400 incoming Toros participating. EOP Director Sean James says that after years of virtual learning, “It's really important to reconnect with our students, get them back on campus, and build community. We wanted to take charge and support the president's mission and new strategic plan. A big part of that is creating a 'culture of care,' developing that sense of belonging and community. We feel that EOP took that charge this summer ... Read More
CSUDH Campus News Center Archive
Faculty Highlights: August 2022
Our faculty members participate in conferences around the world, conduct groundbreaking research, and publish books and journal papers that contribute to their field and highlight their expertise. We feature those accomplishments and more in this section. To share faculty news, email Academic Affairs College of Business Administration and Public Policy College of Health, Human Services & Nursing Recent quotes and/or interviews in the media from faculty ... Read More
The Chronicle of Higher Education: Finishing What They Started
Source: Chronicle of Higher Education Fourteen years, one baby, a marriage and divorce, and three job moves after Desirée Vanderloop started college, she's finally closing in on a goal that had always seemed just beyond her grasp. When she walks across the stage next May to receive her bachelor's degree at Morgan State University, she'll join a growing number of returning adult students who are being lured back by programs designed specifically for people like them. The skills Vanderloop learned on the job as her interests shifted from pre-med to health-care technology will apply toward her degree. So will 90 of the 102 credits she accumulated, one or two courses at a time, while ... Read More
Symmetry: Ximena Cid Builds Community by Cherishing her Roots
Source: Symmetry Magazine It took Ximena Cid three tries to pass her introductory physics class as an undergraduate student at the University of California, Berkeley. Most people would have given up after the first attempt, and certainly after the second. But “I'm really stubborn,” Cid says. She was especially stubborn about passing a class in which she was both the only woman and, as an Indigenous Chicana, the only person of color. “When people tell me I don't belong in places, or I'm not good enough, it really gets me fired up and motivated just to prove them wrong,” Cid says. Now, as an associate professor and chair of the physics department at California State ... Read More
Education Students Create Books for Local Children
Students in the College of Education's (COE) Early Language and Literacy LBS 310 course do more than study how children's books contribute to early childhood literacy. By the time the course is over, students have written and illustrated their own books. It's all part of CSUDH's Project CYCLE: Crafting Young Children's Literary Experiences, which brings the university and local community closer together. The goal of Project CYCLE is to provide the young children and families of CSUDH's Infant/Toddler Center, Child Development Center, and the surrounding community with books to read at home. It also gives the teachers-in-training hands-on experience in creating useful early literacy ... Read More